I'm going to kill you

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I was still in my office In the house on a zoom call now with 3 big companies I have to make deals with

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I was still in my office In the house on a zoom call now with 3 big companies I have to make deals with. I sent Matteo to look after Amara at the mall since she gave me attitude and just left. I'm a very busy man I have a company to run, a mafia to run and I also have to try to stop the fucking French mafia.

I groaned in response making the people on the zoom call ask if I was okay "Mr. Valentino are you okay?" Mr. DeLuca said who was the Ceo of the 2nd biggest company in America.

"Yes, I'm fine, Mr. DeLuca continue, " I said while turning in my seat to make myself more comfortable. Amara's dad was also on this zoom call since he runs a big company in America. I still made my promise that I will help his company. I just have a lot on my plate right now.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing and it was Matteo. I put the zoom call on mute and answered. "What" I spoke into the phone. "Uhm boss so You know how I'm here watching over Amara right," he said nervously. "Yes did something happen to her!?" I then spoke. "No nothing is wrong with her but uhm she's talking with a guy".

My jaw clenched as she told me she was going with kelly. "What does the man look like," I asked Matteo. "I can't see he's wearing all black," Matteo said. Since he is my best friend I will not lash out at him.

"Just maybe go closer to see what they're talking about," I asked him. He went silent for a few moments then said something I was not expecting. "I think the guy is Antonio Leo," he said quietly. Shit he's there with her I know he's dumb he was afraid of my gun but the French mafia are most likely there too and they're dangerous.

"I'm on my way" is all I said and then hung up. I unmuted the zoom call and said I had to go. They said to okay so then I closed my laptop and got up.

So much shit is going through my head right now she could be in danger. I knew I should of not let her walk out of my office like that. I groaned and grabbed my jacket from the coat hanger in my office and walked downstairs.

I saw my Mama coming up the stairs probably on her way to talk to me. When she looked up in my direction she smiled. "Mio figlio I need to tell you about something, (My son)" she said. "Mama I'm really busy Amara might be in danger". She nodded and walked out of my way to let me go past her. "I'll talk to you when you get back be careful," she said with a worried look.

"I will mama ti amo (I love you)" I said while kissing her on the cheek. Before she can respond I ran down the stairs and to my car.

.  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .   . 

When I got to the mall Matteo was standing outside. I could care less if I'm parking illegally I need to make sure my Amore is safe. I got out of the car and walked up towards Matteo. "did you see any of the French around"? I asked him. "No I had like 5 men searching the whole mall it's only him," He said. I had him and my other men search the whole mall to see if any of the French Mafia was in the mall.  I nodded and I walked inside the mall. Matteo told me she was in Infront of Victoria's secret.  I followed a sign and I didn't see her anywhere.

I started to freak out where the fuck was she. Then I heard her "Let go of me Antonio where the fuck are you taking me," her angelic but feisty voice said. "I just wanna talk to you Amara your in fucking danger," a man's voice said I'm guessing it's Antonios. I walked closer to where I heard the voices and it was coming from a dark room with a black curtain in front of it. That's weird we're in a fucking mall.  

I opened the curtain and walked inside seeing Amara on the floor with Antonio right over her. I ran over to Antonio and punched him so hard making him bump into the wall. "What the fuck" he groaned out. Right when I was about to punch again. I felt Amara's hands on me. "Leo stop! It wasn't what it looked like I tripped and he was helping me up."  I looked at her and then looked at him.

"I'm going to fucking kill you sick fucking bastard how dare you show yourself here!" I yelled at him. "I just wanted to talk to Amara". He spoke while holding his head. "Then talk," I said while crossing my Arms.

"After that night I left Amara's house when you two were about to uhm" He looked to the ground. I looked at Amara and she rolled her eyes. "The French mafia pushed me into their van and forced me to join them and offered that I'll get Amara once you're gone. I agreed but then after they sent me to deliver that guy's head to your warehouse I knew this was wrong," he said with a sign. "Why did you want to tell me this" Amara stepped in and said.

"I wanna take them the fuck down there horrible people," Antonio said while giving me a look. I took a sign and then looked at Amara and she just shrugged. "So you want to help Leo take them down?," Amara asked and Antonio nodded. "How do we know your not a lying piece of shit," I said, "Just think about it you need as many people as you can get to stop those motherfuckers".

I signed again and said "We will think about it now we have to go," I said while pulling Amara out of there. "Wait I forgot my bag," she said and I groaned. I waited outside while she went back inside to get her bag of stuff to be bought I guess. She then came back and gave me a piece of paper "His number if you want it" she said while starting to walk away from me.

Am I considering this yes but if I find out he's faking I'll fucking kill him with my own 2 hands. Also it's kinda hard looking at him when his hands have been all over my future wife before. I groaned 1 last time before walking to catch up to Amara.


Sorry this took so long I've been busy so chapters will be coming out a little bit slower hope that's okay

Should we trust Antonio???



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