V2 S4 E9 - The Piggyback

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"No, no. Like I've said, I-I've tried everyone. Yeah, TWA, Pan Am, Eastern.... No, no, it doesn't have to be a one way. I'll take two seats if you have them." Jonathan told the lady from the airport. We had stopped at a gas station and were trying to book a flight, but we had no luck yet. El and I needed to get to Hawkins as soon as possible. El, Will, Mike, and I had all gathered around Jonathan as he tried to find El and I a flight. "I mean, please, there has to be something that you can do. One of our family members is really, really sick and I don't know if she's gonna make it through the night...Is there anyway that you could just...No, no, no! Like I've said before, I've tried them already." My heart raced as Jonathan attempted to get El and I a flight. I was beginning to worry we wouldn't make it back in time to help our friends. I went to look at El to see what she was feeling, but she wasn't next to me like she had previously been. I turned around and saw that she had walked away. I walked over to her and found her eyes shut.

'El?' I asked through our connection. Suddenly, I was seeing El's mom.

"Breathe. Sunflower. Rainbow. Three to the right, four to the left." She was saying, a blank look on her face as she sat in a rocking chair. Then I saw El, her hair short and curly from when it was starting to grow back two years ago. She was in the dark room, watching her mother as she sat there in her rocking chair.
Then, we were back in Billy's mind. He grabbed both El's and I's arm, allowing us to see into his mind. His mother waved to little Billy behind us. He ran by El and I with his surfboard.
I was then brought back to Hopper's cabin when 'Billy' had told me how he was going to end me and everyone; "GET AWAY!" I yelled, throwing him back with my powers, before pulling my blindfold off and finally making it back to my friends.

Then, I was back. I opened my eyes and saw El looking at me. She gave me a look and I knew what she meant. The two of us then walked back until we were only a few feet away from the others. Argyle had just walked over to the others. "Hey, dudes? Ask 'em if we can ride in the baggage compartment." Argyle told the other three.

"The baggage compartment?" Jonathan questioned. Argyle nodded.

"We'd suffocate." Mike told him.

"Dogs ride in there all the time, man." Argyle told him. "They don't suffocate."

"Jesus Christ." Jonathan sighed.

"Holy shit." Mike said, hardly able to believe what he was hearing.

"We have a way." El said, directing their attention to us. "A way to protect Max. From here." El and I walked over to the van, starting to draw on the windows to show them a diagram.

"This is Max." I said, drawing a stick figure. "When One attacks, he'll be in her mind." I told them, drawing a bubble to represent her mind and another tiny stick figure inside it to represent One.

"But we can do that too." El told them. "I went into Mama's mind, we went into Billy's. We can go into Max's. She can carry us to Vecna." El drew two more stick figures in Max's mind bubble to represent us. "We can piggyback." El and I then turned around to face the others.

"We can protect her from One." I told them. "Fight him from here."

"Mind fight. Righteous." Argyle said.

"Wait, so you actually think this can work?" Mike asked us.

"A bathtub would help." El told him.

"Yeah. Gotta be clean to enter the mind." Argyle commented.

"What? No, no. It's a sensory deprivation tank. It helps them calm down and focus on their powers." Mike told him.

"Wait, we-we just passed a motel." Will informed us.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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