V1 S4 E3 - The Monster and the Superhero

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After I struck Angela, Will and Mike dragged me over to a booth and sat me down. They didn't say anything more to me, and I didn't want them to. El sat opposite me, but I couldn't even look at her. She was about to do the same thing I did. If I hadn't stopped her...we'd be almost in the same situation, only I wouldn't be in any trouble. If I had just controlled my temper...but then I would've boiled over next time and who knows what I would've done then. 

At some point, someone had called the police. They came in and were talking to Angela. I was barely paying attention. How could I when I had just done that? I was in shock. I don't know what came over me. 
Mike or Will must've called Jonathan because a few minutes later, him and Argyle showed up. They surveyed the situation a bit before getting us out of there and bringing us to the van. The four of us who had been there piled in the back. I sat looking out the window and was thankful that El was sitting between Mike and I, and I was even more thankful that El and Mike were between Will and I. "I know this may be, like, super upsetting and shit, but that future prom queen is gonna be fine. I mean, it was just, like, rubber wheels." Argyle said when we were halfway home. 

"Plastic." Jonathan corrected him. 

"Oh." Argyle said. 

"Not like hard plastic. Just...just the soft kind." Jonathan continued. 

"Totally." Argyle agreed. "But you ever wonder why the wheels aren't wood, man? Or metal?" He asked. "It's so people don't get hurt when they get shmacked." 

"Ohh." Jonathan said. 

"Yeah." Argyle told him. "Because it happens more than you think, man." I wished they would just shut up. "Roller-skate attacks." I looked up at him as he looked back at me. 

"Man. Hey, at least it wasn't an ice skate." Jonathan commented. 

"That nose would've been sliced clean off, man." Argyle said. Jonathan then groaned while imagining it. I know they were trying to make me feel better, but it wasn't helping. Especially not with Mike and Will back here who were definitely not amused or thinking at all along those lines. "It could've been so much worse." He assured me. 

"So much worse." Jonathan echoed. "In the grand scheme of things, it's just a little blip." 

"That's a funny word, man." Argyle told him. 

"Blip." Jonathan said again. 




"Blip, blip, blip, blip, blip, blip, blip, blip, blip, blip." They both then began to sing 'blip' to the theme of 'Entrance of the Gladiator'. 


As soon as we got home, I jumped out of the car. They had been repeating the theme over and over. I went over to the door and opened it. When I did, I heard opera music being played. "Mom?" Will called out from behind me.  We then walked into the dinning room and looked into the kitchen to see someone you would never expect. 

"Well, well! Aren't you lot a sight for sore eyes, huh?" Murray yelled. He was wearing an apron and cooking something. 

"Hi Murray." Jonathan said. 

"You kids like risotto?" He asked. 

"Yeah." Jonathan said with a laugh. Murray then told us that dinner was ready to be served. I ran upstairs and changed into a different shirt, adding a different flannel with it because I had left my other one at the rink. I came back downstairs and saw that there was an open seat for me between Will and Mike. 

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