V2 S4 E8 - Papa

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Eleven and I watched as some sort of portal was opened. It was glowing red and there were vines issuing from it. The vines slowly began to creep back into the portal before it closed completely. When it did, the room was pitch black. I heard the doors to the rainbow room open behind us. Eleven and I continued to stare at the spot One had been in, trying to catch our breath still. The lights flickered on as the doors closed. "What have you done?" Papa asked. Eleven and I turned around to face him. Papa had a cut on his face and a wild look in his eyes. "What have you done?" 

'Run.' Eleven said through our connection. I looked over at her, just in time to see her fall to the ground. My eyes widened and I dropped down to my knees, kneeling next to her. 

"Eleven? Eleven!" I shouted, shaking her. Eleven continued to lay there. Papa came over and pushed me away from Eleven. He began to examine her, trying to figure out what was wrong. Eleven's voice rang through my head again. 

I began to slowly back up from Papa and Eleven. I backed up quietly before my back touched the rainbow room doors. I then reached down into my shoe and grabbed the keycard that was still in there from earlier. I quickly and quietly opened the doors. I closed them as quietly as I could and then took off down the hallway. I followed that same path that we had taken earlier to the exit door. Once I reached it, I swiped the keycard, taking a second to look behind me. No one was there, nor did I hear any footsteps. The light on the swipe device turned green and I put the keycard in my shoe before pushing through the door. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me. I came to the set of doors that led to the stairs and I threw them open. I flew down the steps and into the boiler room. I ran to the small pipe. I knelt down and looked inside. It looked like complete darkness for miles and miles. I took a few deep breaths to steady myself before carefully squeezing into the pipe, and making my way towards freedom. 


"One, two, three...one, two, three...and one, two three...
My eyes flew open and I was blinded by the bright lights above me. I was taking deep breaths and I was trying to remember where I was. People were above me and there were sounds of beeping machines all around me. "Pulse is dropping. One-fifty now. BP's one-sixty." Some lady said. I then felt as someone placed a mask on my face. It made it slightly easier to breathe and I found myself not completely struggling to get air into my lungs. I then looked over to my left and saw two people I recognized. 

"How do you feel?" Papa asked. 

"Can you hear us?" Owens asked. I just looked at him, words failing me. "Thirteen, can you hear us?!" Images began to go through my head. I reached up to grab the mask on my face and pull it off, but the lady put her hand on top of mine, stopping me. 

"No, leave her." Papa told her. I then pulled the mask off my face as the images took over all my attention. I saw a hand and heard the voice of a boy. 

"Thirteen?" A young Will had asked me, not believing that was my name. That had been the only time Will had ever called me that. 

The thought of Will gave me the strength to sit up. I looked over at Eleven who had already been sitting up, looking at me. 'How do you feel?' I asked her. 

'I feel good. I woke up before you.' She told me. 

'My memory went farther than yours.' I informed her. Eleven slightly nodded. 

'I think my powers are back, I feel like I used to.' Eleven told me. I took a deep breath and realized that I felt a certain surge of power in me that hadn't been there in almost a year. 

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