S3 E6 - E Pluribus Unum

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"Guys, the lights." I said. Mike, Max, Lucas, and El all looked up and saw the lights. We all stood up and stood near one another, watching the light flicker. 

"He's here." Will said. I looked over at him and his hand was holding his neck. Out of instinct, I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. I then focused and it felt as if I was moving through the hospital. I couldn't see or hear anything. I didn't even understand or know what I was doing, but somehow I found out where he was. 

"Third floor." I said. 

"What?" Mike asked. 

"Just get to the third floor." I told them. We all then began to walk to the elevators, El and I leading the way. 

"Hey, hey, hey! Two at a time!" The lady at the desk shouted. We all ignored her and continued to walk to the elevators. When we reached them, we kept pushing the button repeatedly. The flickering was getting worse and the elevator didn't seem to be moving. 

"Stairs." Mike said. All of us then ran to the stairs and began to ascend them. When we made it to the third floor, we heard banging coming down one of the hallways. We ran towards the sound. When we turned the corner to the hallway where the sound was coming from, I saw Jonathan using an oxygen tank to try and break down the door. But, there was no Nancy. We sprinted down the hall. 

"Jonathan!" I yelled. He looked at us and I noticed the sweat and blood. "Move!" I yelled. The end of my sentence got cut short by a screech of something in that room. Jonathan got out of the way as El reached the door and blew it off its hinges. We all looked in the room and I froze. Standing over Nancy was a huge creature. It looked to be made of blood and insides. It let out a screech at us. 

"Jesus." I heard Mike say. 

"What the f-" The creature screeched again, cutting Max off. It then began to walk towards us. I put my hand out and used my powers. I yelled as I threw the creature to the right. I yelled again as I threw it into the left wall. I then threw it into the ceiling and back to the ground. I then let go of the creature and caught my breath. It got up and screeched once again. Before it could take a step forward, I raised both my arms and screamed as I threw it through the window in the room. 

"Nancy!" Jonathan yelled, running towards her. 

"Go!" I yelled to everyone else. We all then ran through the hospital and down the steps trying to get outside as fast as possible. 

I pushed through the doors that led outside. We ran over to where the creature was and I put my arms out to stop anyone from getting in front of El or I. I heard Nancy and Jonathan run out the door and stop next to us. We all then watched as the creature fled into the sewers, leaving a few bones behind. 


After we had made sure the creature wasn't coming back, we all hopped in the car. Nancy drove first to my mom's house. Jonathan and Will got out and walked inside. We waited there until Will came back out, holding some clothes in his hands. I had decided that I wanted to stay near El, and Will wanted to stay near me, which I was thankful for. We decided that we would stay at Hopper's cabin because it was safer. Jonathan said that he was going to stay at our mom's house. As soon as Will was in the car, we drove to Hopper's cabin. Will, El, and I all said goodbye to Mike, Nancy, Max, and Lucas. We then walked through the woods and into the cabin. Will went into the bathroom to change while El and I moved my bed into El's room. El and I would sleep in her bed, while Will would sleep in mine. El and I quickly changed in her room and then opened the door for Will to come in. Will got into my bed and El and I got into hers. The three of us laid there, talking about what was going on. We tried to make sense of it all, but there was still so much we didn't know. 
Soon enough, we were all too tired to continue. We then shut off the lights and all fell asleep. 

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