Chapter thirty two

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Mahamaya was surprised at her father's words. What he said could be counted as insulting. He should have waited till they left and taken some time to call them and inform them that they don't want to go forward with this match. Maybe Ayush's sudden agreement for the marriage and his creepy actions made Mahesh act in haste. However, he should have still waited till they left to tell them his decision. This could be considered as an insult to Viraj. Mahamaya looked down and played with her fingers, feeling nervous and not wanting to interrupt the elders as it would not look good.

"You can't do that," Ayush thundered as Mahamaya looked up, her eyes wide. Mahesh was absolutely trembling with anger, before he asked, "Who are you to tell us what we can and can't do?"

Indrayani intertwined her fingers with Mahesh's, helping him to calm down a little, before Ayush said, "It's either that," he raised a gun directly towards Mahamaya, "or she gets killed. The future Mafia Boss has chosen his woman and I will make sure he gets her."

Viraj was shocked as he tried to stop him, "Uncle, you don't need to. It is not necessary for me to marry her."

Ayush didn't even turn to him and muttered, "No, you like her, you will get her, even if I will have to kill everyone in the family and take her. We are in the Mafia. Nobody messes with us."

Viraj cursed himself for introducing him to her family. Mahamaya was barely stopping herself from killing Ayush right at that place. How dare he threaten her family? She was trembling in rage and her eyes had become red with anger as she said ever so slowly, her voice so rough and angry that nobody who knew her would be able to tell that it was her melodious voice. Her form looked harder and bigger than before, like Sri Krishna's would do when on the battle field, "How dare you threaten my family?"

Ayush's mouth hung open. He had never seen a woman look so scary, let alone a woman as beautiful and attractive as Mahamaya. Indrayani and Mahesh tried to calm her down by rubbing her back, whispering things to her but she wouldn't calm down at all. Viraj moved and held her hand as her body seemed to relax and appear the delicate self again. She leaned directly on Viraj and Ayush felt like he needed to pick his jaw from the floor. What had just happened?

However, he decided to use this in his favour and exclaimed, "See? Agree now at least. She needs him for whatever reason or else..." Viraj turned to him and glared so harshly Ayush was terrified. What was happening today? Viraj always showed his respect to him. Ayush quietened down immediately.

Mahesh and Indrayani were absolutely surprised with what had happened. This had never happened with her before. Mahesh remembered how he had seen a version of this in the hospital and fell into a deep thought as Viraj busied himself with supporting her near unconscious body and Aabha didn't know what to do. She and Indrayani were feeling something powerful channeling through her when Mahamaya became that way and it instantly vanished when Virat touched her. What was going on? Everyone was confused.

Mahesh, Indrayani and Viraj helped Mahamaya to sit down on the sofa. Turning to Ayush, Aabha and Viraj, Mahesh joined his hands, bowed his head and said respectfully, "We will tell you about our decision later. We need to look after Maya for now."

The trio nodded and left. As soon as they sat in the car, Ayush asked Viraj, "How dare you glare at me? I am older than you and I know what is best for you and what is not. You didn't need not to interfere. Your father would have been very disappointed if he saw you treating me this way."

Viraj lowered his head, not saying anything. He didn't care what his father would think. His beloved father was wrong about most of the things anyways but truthfully, Viraj felt so protective of her that he couldn't even get started on explaining what had happened back then. It felt like his reaction was not under his control.

He decided not to comment that as the driver drove them home. The atmosphere in the car was thick with unsaid questions and emotions as Ayush could truly say that he really felt afraid for the first time, that too twice on the same day, once after seeing Mahamaya and for the second time after seeing Viraj.

Ayush honestly didn't know if getting her as his daughter-in-law of sorts was a good idea or not but it didn't matter. Some connection was there between Viraj and Mahamaya and that was evident. Ayush concluded it would be better not to meddle. He figured after whatever happened, her parents would surely agree and then he would probably retire from the Mafia directly after Viraj's marriage and go somewhere abroad with his wife and spend his remaining years there. He was tired with handling the Mafia after his best friend died and he couldn't imagine how his best friend handled it for so many decades.

In Mahamaya's home, Indrayani and Mahesh looked after Mahamaya, appearing very worried. They both didn't know what had happened. Within minutes, however, Mahamaya was back to normal as she told them again and again that she was alright. However, her parents being her parents, they kept asking her if she was okay whenever she tried to do something, to the point that it had become hilarious.

She finally glared at them, frustrated, before mumbling, "You keep worrying about me. Meanwhile, I will go and sleep."

Both Mahesh and Indrayani smiled widely and said at the very same time, "Good, you should rest. That's what we were telling you since hours."

Mahamaya groaned, before she said, "You both are impossible," before she went to her room and retired for the night. The couple looked at each other and shrugged in sync, wondering why she behaved like that before they retired for the night too, trying not to think about the questions that were clouding their mind since hours now, as if avoiding them would resolve them.

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