7. Mohini

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She was sceptical. She was twenty seven, she was settled and she was earning. This was the time when Indian parents would pester their kids for marriage. However, her parents didn't, which puzzled her.

It was not like she wanted to get married. She had no boyfriend whatsoever but her life had become too mundane. One day, while she was passing by her parents' bedroom, she heard Indrayani mutter, "I wish Maya finds him soon. I want her to be happily married."

This made her freeze in her tracks.

Find who? Marry whom? She opened her parents' bedroom as she asked without any worry. It was always a rule in the house that any household decision would need everyone's opinion. Besides, this was her life they were talking about.

Sitting on her parents' bed, she asked them softly, "Find who?"

They both looked at her, their eyes hiding so many secrets. Indrayani felt like her lips were zipped shut. She didn't want to burden her child with things much bigger than her.

Mahesh however found it in himself to reveal the truth, "You remember how you were born?"

Mahamaya nodded. It was so eventful that her parents would tell her about it again and again. She would never forget something which was repeated to her so much.

Mahesh sucked in a breath, "We knew the time of your birth. However, your kundali is... different. It was completely different such that not even one guna would match with other men. Your life partner, you would have to find him yourself. We can't help you with it because this seems to be the divine order according to the birth chart. If we did marry you to someone else, the marriage wouldn't be a happy one and it wouldn't fulfill the purpose of your birth. You are not ordinary but we don't know who you really are. We can only guide you but you have to find the answers yourself."

Mahamaya was left speechless. A kundali means a birth chart. There are total thirty six gunas or qualities. Out of which, at least eighteen should match with the groom or there would be too many fights and differences in opinion and that would lead to an unhappy married life.

Marriage is very divine in India. Every marriage is considered to go on for seven lives. That's why, it is important to check where you would marry your child to because divorce is possible but there would always be consequences, in this life as well as the next ones.

Mahamaya didn't know what to do. She felt perplexed. She was... special? How much special? Who was she destined with? She felt goosebumps covering her body at her thoughts. Was she special in a good way or a bad way? She needed answers and she needed them fast. She needed a Guru, a teacher to guide her and she knew where she would find one.

"I want to visit Jejuri," she said softly, her eyes dazed. Jejuri is often called as golden Jejuri. It is the kingdom which was once ruled by KhandobA along with his two wives MhAlsA and BAnubai. She always felt a connection with Mhalsa. Khandoba was a local incarnation of Shiva, the destroyer deity while Mhalsa and Banubai were incarnations of Goddess Parvati, Shiva's wife.

The parents nodded. They knew that should have told her sooner but they didn't think she was ready to hear it. Mahesh told her now because he felt like she was ready.

Mahamaya got up, "I will go and ask for a leave of a week. After that there is the festival of Diwali so we will get extra days. Go and request for a leave too Pappa."

It was the first time when the daughter didn't ask, she commanded. Of course she would, it was important for her life. Her questions needed to be answered.

Indrayani held her wrist, the one which had the bangle, "You know that we will support you no matter what, right?"

Mahamaya nodded, smiling. Her parents were indeed very supportive. They were always ones who chose the best from the ancient knowledge and the modern world, choosing what is the best and the most relevant way of life. She was blessed to be gifted with parents like these.

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