Chapter 47 - May 11

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"Okay, hear me out," Selene says, standing in front of Ty and Sebastian as the two sit on the couch, "you guys don't leave tomorrow and just stay here forever."

"Request denied."

"You didn't even think about it," she whines at Ty's immediate response, wilting from her power stance.

"This is like, the fourth time you've mentioned this today," Sebastian chuckles, patting her back in an effort to console her. He, however, does this poorly since he can't keep the laugh from his voice.

"Okay but she makes a fair point," Sarah adds as she enters the living area. Seeing her pop out of nowhere wasn't really a surprise since the five girls had decided to all spend the night with the boys to commemorate their final night in the house. Though the sheer amount of boxes made it difficult to truly accommodate the guests.

"Guys, you already knew we weren't going to be here forever," Ryan adds as he walks down the stairs to join them.

"I'm bored." Justin complains while seated upside down on the loveseat, his legs over the back of the couch. He flops his arms, sliding down the couch onto the floor. Behind them the front door swings open with Meg making her appearance in the house. She greets them with a wave before beelining towards the kitchen where she sees Cat and Ty chatting at the counter. Cat sits on a barstool with a cup of water in her hand as Ty leans forward on the counter from the opposite side.

"You won't believe who I saw at the café just now," Meg says as she plops into the stool next to Cat.


"No, it was-"

"Oh, was it BTS?"


"What about-"

"Just let her tell us, Cat," Ty interrupts with a roll of his eyes. Cat fake pouts as she gives Meg her attention.

"It was Austin," Meg answers.

"Ew," Cat's nose scrunches up as the words immediately escape her mouth.

"Cat," Meg reprimands.

"Sorry, it's impulse."

"Well, how did it go? Are you okay?" Ty asks, ever the observant guy.

"Yeah, surprisingly," Meg turns her attention to the man, "I was honestly expecting to feel like, heartbroken or something but I didn't feel anything."

"What do you think that means?" Cat finally, properly joins the conversation.

"If I were to guess, I was more comfortable in our relationship, ya know?" Meg looks to the two to gauge their understanding.

The two blink cluelessly in response.

"Like instead of being actually in love with him, I was just satisfied with being in a relationship. I got comfortable but it was not love. I don't think I've been in love with him for a while now." She elaborates.

"Congratulations, then! We should celebrate," Cat cheers.

"Hey!" Sebastian bursts into the room, "Get ready, we're going to Korean BBQ!" And just as quickly as he entered, Sebastian disappears. Presumably, to inform the rest of the house's occupants.

"Drinks at K-BBQ?" Meg suggests to the two as she turns back to them. One reluctant and one enthusiastic, they both nod.

"Especially if Darren wants to try grinding to Party in the USA again," Ty adds and the trio laugh as they walk out of the room.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Dinner and Karaoke went much like the first time the group hung out as a whole. The main difference being that they were a hell of a lot more comfortable. And therefore a lot more intoxicated. But there was no way they were stopping at the Karaoke, cause there was no way they were going without a bang.

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