Chapter 21- April 8

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"Oli, I hate you," Cat groans as she flops onto his bed and rolls onto her back. Her eyes wander around his room and take in the space. She'd been in the house plenty of times, and even in his room before. Most of the time, the girls come over as a group and hang out in the common areas. Their first time over (right after karaoke) they'd been given a house tour. This felt different though. She'd never been alone with Oliver in his room before. Especially not for an extended period of time. Her eyes land on the boy just as he takes off his headphones to respond to her statement.

"Now, what did I do?" He asks as he turns around in his chair.

"I'm so sore from yesterday," she whines as she looks back at him.

"Would you like a massage?" He offers as he stands up from his chair.

"You'd do that? For me?" She says as she looks at him with pleading eyes and rolls over as if already expecting it.

"Of course." He smiles at the girl before starting on her upper back. Unfortunately for Cat, rock climbing uses the whole body. However, since she dances regularly, her legs were fine. Who knew that forearms held so much importance in grip strength? Well, maybe everyone but who connects those dots?

"Thank you, it's mostly just my back, shoulders, and forearms," she hums into the sheets as he kneads into the muscle. She doesn't know what kind of magic Oliver is working on her back, but she can't hold back the moans that escape her lips as he continues.

"What the hell are y'all doing in broad daylight?" Ryan exclaims as he swings open the door.

"Why would you barge in if you thought we were doing something? You tryna join?" Oliver questions.

"First of all, ew. Second of all, I came to get you since Ty is about to leave." Ryan rolls his eyes before leaving the two alone again.

"Ty is leaving?" Cat asks as the two get up.

"Yeah, he's going to meet with people from his personal company so he's leaving us for a few days," Oliver answers as the two reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh, hey Cat, I didn't know you were here," Ty greets the duo.

"Hi," she greets back, "Yeah, I was just going to hang out here today. Though I didn't realize you'd be gone."

"No, you're fine. I just didn't know," Ty says as he brushes off the issue, "though next time I'd like to hear about it before she comes over," he directs the next statement at Oliver.

"I'll keep it in mind," Oliver sheepishly smiles. Ty says goodbye to everyone once again before making his way out the door.

"What do we do now?" Kane asks.

"Party!" Regie shouts.

"Want to continue where we left off?" Oliver asks as the boys run around.

"Yes, please," Cat hums just thinking of how satisfying it feels. What she didn't expect was for Oliver to scoop her up in his arms in order to carry her up the stairs. A small yelp leaves her and she quickly goes to cover her reddening face.

"Make sure to turn the music up loud enough so we don't hear anything!" Darren shouts up the stairs.

"We're not doing anything!" Oliver retorts before turning the corner and entering his bedroom once again, "Now where were we?" He gives her a peck on her nose before continuing his work, leaving more kisses as he goes. Eventually his massage turns into caressing and before she knows it, she falls asleep to the feeling of his warm hands as they rub her back.

"Goodnight, beautiful."

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