Chapter 19- April 5

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no actual intercourse takes place but it gets pretty damn close so I've indicated the section with an ** at the beginning and the with the dotted line to signal the end

if spicy is your thing then enjoy!!

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"See y'all later!" Mia exclaims as she grabs her keys.

"Have fun!" Sarah yells from her spot on the couch.

"Oh I will!" Mia responds as she reaches the door.

"But not too much fun!" Selene counters.

"No promises on that one, See," Mia winks before leaving and locking the door behind her. She and Regie were going to see a drive-through movie. This means that it's been over three weeks since they've met. Which also means that she's gone without dick for more than four weeks. But that's beside the point. Today she is driving and they can take all the time they need since he doesn't have to film afterward. It was definitely going to happen today. She was practically begging for it. Was he shy about doing it? He didn't seem like the kind of guy and she was certain he wasn't small considering the number of times they were making out and she could feel him through his pants. It has to be today.

"Do you think they're going to fuck?" Selene asks the other two girls on the couch.

Meg spits out her water, "Damn See, subtle much?"

"They haven't already?" Sarah asks as she looks up from her phone.

"Nah, I was talking to her once we got home from the weekend trip and she said that she's been trying to hint at it but he hasn't picked up." Selene mentions.

"Interesting," Sarah mumbles.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

They are in the back of her car. Cuddling in the back of her car. And he still hasn't initiated anything. Mia has had enough.

"When are we going to have sex?" Mia's voice pierces the silence of the car and Regie whips his head toward her in surprise.

"What?" He stares at her with wide eyes.

"You heard me." She sits up to stare at him back, "Do you not want to? I'm definitely not going to pressure you into anything but I was getting the feeling that you wanted to as well." She never breaks eye contact.

"I- I mean," Regie looks away from her stare, "I definitely want to, I just thought I was reading all your signs wrong."
"Really? I thought I was making it obvious?"

"Oh you were, I just thought I was just reading it as you wanted to just because I wanted to, and..." He trails off before turning his head to face her again, "fuck it." He says before reaching forward to connect their lips. Mia smiles into the kiss as Regie leans her down to lay against the seat. 

**They makeout for a few more minutes before Mia gets impatient and grinds up into Regie's waist causing a moan to travel up his throat. He gets the message and reaches his hands under her shirt and tugs at it to get it over her head.

"Yours too," She whispers against his lips as she tugs it up to his chest. Once their shirts are no longer in the way, Mia reaches up to run her nails along his muscles.

"You like what you see?" He smirks at her entrancement with his chest.

"Oh, shut up," She rolls her eyes before pulling him down to meet her lips once again. Regie's hands roam up towards her bra and around to the back to unclasp it. "Oh so you have practice," Mia teases once it becomes undone shortly thereafter.

"Maybe I just got lucky with you," He smirks in response.

"Oh really?" She retorts but she doesn't have long to revel in their banter before his lips latch onto her neck and his right hand comes up to roll her nipple and his left goes down to slide under her waistband.

"You ready?" He says as he looks up to meet her eyes.


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Mia quietly slides inside the house and tries her best to stay silent as she creeps to put up her keys.

"Welcome back Marianne." Cat states as she flips on the lamp next to her. Mia looks toward her friend to see all of her roommates sitting along the couch.

"What are y'all doing up so late?" Mia asks as she drops her keys on the counter, giving up on being silent. "Hey, baby," She smiles at her dog who bounds up to greet her.

"We could ask you the same thing, Missy," Sarah says as she crosses her arms.

"Oh, our date just went on for a little longer than the movie," Mia says as casually as she can but can't help the wide grin that spreads across her face.

"I know that face!"

"She got dick!" Selene shouts as she high-fives Meg.

"Also, did you call me Marianne? That's not even my name," Mia laughs.

"That's beside the point," Cat waves her off.

"Tell us about the date!" Meg exclaims.

"You want to know how our sex was?" Mia questions with a suspicious look.

"Maybe not that," Selene backtracks.

"Okay, but was it any good?" Sarah pushes on with the notion.

"Oh, it was fantastic. And more than one round," Mia winks, "Let me give you the details," She says as she goes to sit with her friends.

"And that's my queue to leave," Meg says as she stands and moves to her room, "Goodnight!"

"Me too," Sarah says as she jumps up from the couch.

"I think Bandit is waiting for my return so we can sleep," Selene says as she also rises, "Plus I have some last-minute homework." All that leaves is Cat. Mia turns to look at Cat, expecting her to get up as well.

"Okay, but I actually, lowkey, want to hear," Cat says.

"Says the only virgin of the group!" Selene says right before she closes her door.

"Well, I mean," a blush rises to her cheeks, "I just figured I might need the knowledge for, like," She looks around everywhere else before whispering the last word "later."

"You think you and Oli are getting to that point?" Mia questions, surprised at her friend's words.

"Well, I don't know," Cat sighs, "I just figured it's bound to happen eventually and I don't want to be clueless. I mean he's actually been in relationships before so he's probably done it. I just don't want to look like an idiot the first time. You know what, it was stupid anyway," Cat finishes as she stands up from the couch.

"Sit your ass back down." Mia snatches Cat's arm and pulls her back to the couch. "What are you worried about? I'm sure if you tell him you're not ready then he'll listen."

"He would, but I don't want to make him wait." Cat melts deeper into her seat, "Plus, I don't want to look ugly so I figured you could help." Cat pouts as she looks at her friend.

"Girl! If you don't!" Mia pushes her friend as she gets up from her seat. "You're gorgeous and he knows it! He'll probably think he's lucky to just be fucking you instead of how cute you look while getting railed."

"You don't have to say it like that!" Cat cries as she throws her hands up to cover her red face.

"You'll be fine!" Mia says as she pulls Cat up. "Now let's get some sleep, it's pretty late."

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