Chapter 16 - April 2 (part 2)

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"We should probably head back to get ready," Mia announces once four o'clock rolls around. In all honesty, it's hard to tell who won considering how horrible both sides are however if you were to ask Selene or Kane they would each say their own team is winning. But if you were to ask the rest of their team members, both sides were just exhausted and covered in sand.

"It's still three hours to get ready though," Sebastian says.

"Only three hours?! We really need to leave then," Sarah exclaims and immediately leaves the court.

"What?" Justin whines, "I want to keep playing though."

"You played for two entire hours babe," Meg laughs as she follows the others off the court.

"Plus, we probably all need showers," Selene adds.

"Especially you, cuh," Regie says as he passes by Darren, and everyone laughs.

"Could I use your shower?" Cat asks as she arrives at Oliver's side.

"I don't see why not, but can't you use your own?" He responds.

"Selene already claimed ours since Sarah claimed theirs," Cat answers. The group chats as they walk back to the hotel. Thankfully it doesn't take long to arrive and everyone rushes to the showers. Cat making sure to grab Oliver's shower before anyone else.

"You're not even in this room!" Darren whines as Cat slides behind the door and sticks her tongue out at him. She doesn't spend too long so that everyone else has enough time to shower as well. However, she realizes her mistake of rushing a little too late.

"Oli! Oliver!" She whisper-shouts from behind the door.

"Yeah?" He answers and approaches the door. "Do you need something?"

"So, um... I forgot my clothes," She mumbles.

"Oh, well," He turns away from the door as his face grows hot, "I'll find you something of mine to wear so you can go back to your room." He leaves the door to search through his suitcase for something for her to wear.

"What are you doing?" Sebastian leans over Oliver's shoulder to look at what he's searching for.

"Well," Oliver looks at his brother, "Cat forgot a change of clothes so I'm letting her borrow mine." He says and turns his once again red face away.

"Oh ho ho," Sebastian begins.

"Oh shut up," Oliver responds and gets up to get his clothes to the waiting girl.

"Thank you!" Cat cheers from behind the door as Oliver puts the clothes in her only visible hand. It only takes a moment for her to change before she emerges in his t-shirt and basketball shorts, "You're the best!" She kisses his cheek before leaving and returning to her own room.

"And what might you be wearing?" Mia looks up from her makeup to see her return. Kayla and Selene were already in the room getting ready as well.

"Ah, I forgot to grab my clothes before showering so Oli let me borrow some of his," She says with a shrug to brush off the statement.

"Oh really?" Kayla says with a teasing lilt, "And he just gave you some of his? Instead of just asking one of us to get yours?"

"Oh, I guess that could have been an option," Cat says. Thinking back, why did she ask for some of his clothes instead of just sending him to get hers. Her own cheeks turn red. "Oh," This time she says the word with more finality.

"And now it clicks," Kayla smiles and returns to doing her makeup. Every. Single. Girl. Who joined them after their showers also made sure to ask Cat about her choice of clothes. The real question to ask is why she continues to wear it up until the last moment.

Lucky MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora