Chapter 33-April 23

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"Absolutely not Selene," Meg says as the blocks the door, "you're lucky we let you bring your computer along in the first place. There's no way you're taking it to the beach." Selene groans and turns to put away her work. They arrived at their hotel pretty late yesterday and ate dinner out but weren't able to go to the beach. Therefore, all of today was going to be dedicated to having fun and doing their best not to get sunburnt.

"Fine, but as long as y'all don't drag me out to a bar or something later," Selene concedes as she returns to the door.

"Cat, I know you brought something other than that one piece," Mia mentions as she sees Cat walk out of the bathroom.

"But I like this one," Cat pouts.

"You're lucky I let you get away with wearing it to the guy's house so there's no way you're wearing that old thing here," Mia practically commands Cat to retreat back into the bathroom with a different suit. After a few more vetos and convincing words from the others, they were officially ready to hit the beach. They grabbed their cooler with the sustenance for the day as well as a few other necessities and left. They managed to get a hotel close to the beach for a good price since it wasn't Summer yet and were, therefore, able to walk from their place to the beach.

"I can't do this uphill shit," Sarah groans as she struggles to drag the cooler through the sand.

"Can you guys bury me in the sand?" Cat asks excitedly as they find a space along the water. They quickly set up their blanket and put on sunscreen before rushing to the white sand to play.

"Girl you look hilarious with just your head out," Mia laughs as she snaps a picture of the girl.

"Wait can y'all unbury me? I want to rinse of and take real pictures," Cat asks as she struggles under the sand. With a little help, she rises from the ground and they bound toward the water. Selene, always the photographer, takes her phone and starts their photoshoots.

"I want some individuals now," Meg says as she goes back to the sand.

"Oh, me too!" Sarah joins.

"Ladies, ladies, you'll all get your turn," Selene jokes before taking Mia's phone so she can start her pictures. The other girls hype Mia up as she poses and then Meg hands her phone to Sarah so they can get started as well. The group laughs as the poses get progressively worse or better said: goofier.

"Man, y'all need to chill," Cat laughs, watching as Selene strikes her pose.

"Come on Cat! Your turn," Meg cheers as she drags Cat towards the cameras.

"Oh, I don't know," Cat backtracks as she stumbles to her friends.

"We already know you know how to move, girl. You pose us every time," Mia eggs her on and the girls all place her on the sand and continue their photoshoot. Of course, it doesn't take long for Cat to drag them down with her for group photos and even some nice girls nearby offered to take their picture.

"Thank you so much!" Sarah calls as they wave them away.

"See! Come play with me in the water!" Cat pleads and tugs on her sister's hand.

"Okay, let me grab the ball," Selene answers, and the two head to the water, Meg right on their tail. Sarah and Mia decide to stay under the umbrella with the stuff and snack a little while they wait.

"Ah!" Mia screams, "You're dripping all over me!" She protests as Selene practically wrings out her hair over Mia.

"Every girl needs to get a little wet," Selene winks at her friend who swats her away.

"Oh I get wet but it's for-"

"I don't wanna know," Selene interrupts as she sits down on her towel.

"What did I just walk into?" Cat asks as she grabs her phone.

I miss you <3

I also saw Mia's post and you look amazing babe

"Mia, did you post something?" Cat asks as she looks up from her phone.

"Yeah, I posted some of the group, why?" Mia says as she looks up from her snack.

"Nothing," Cat replies with a smile growing on her face. It sure did feel good to be complimented by the person you like. 

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