Chapter 29- April 16

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A giant sleepover. There were thirteen people waking up in one house the next morning. Meg and Sarah didn't feel comfortable returning to their rooms so they crashed together on the couch instead, Ty decided to take one of the open beds. Oliver and Cat, Mia and Regie, and Selene and Sebastian all paired off to sleep in their own rooms. Once Selene had entered the waiting room the previous night, Sebastian was the first one to bear hug her which led to her being attached to him most of the night. Talk about sibling bonding. The remaining four boys didn't want to leave Sarah and Meg alone in the living room so they decided to sleep in there. Cat made sure to drag out the air mattress as well so they didn't have to sleep on the floor. Selene went over all of these details as she got up and saw all the bodies sprawled across the living room.

"Good morning," Ty whispers as she enters the kitchen.

"You're up early," Selene comments as she makes her way to her morning coffee.

"I'm always up early," He responds to which Selene shrugs.

"Want some?" She offers and Ty gratefully nods. She works in silence and hands him his mug of caffeine. The mug is Selene's and has the words 'girl boss' written on it which brings a small joy to her day to see Ty drink out of it.

"I didn't realize you guys had so many animals," Ty says after a sip and starts to look around. Selene gets the hint and passes him the cream and sugar.

"You ended up in Sarah's room which probably means you slept with Lacy. Did she wake you up?" Selene asks.

"A little. She launched off the bed at 5:30 to go stare out the window but I fell asleep again right after."

"Yeah, she likes to watch for the garbage man Saturday mornings," Selene chuckles.

"How many pets do you have?" As if on queue, Bandit struts into the kitchen.

"Three cats and three dogs," Selene responds.

"Now that the boys know you have animals, it might be harder to get rid of them," Ty comments as he watches the black and white cat walks up to Selene, sit at her feet, and just meows.

"Speaking of, could you guys stay for the weekend? I know it'll get harder during the week but I don't know what-"
"Of course, you don't have to explain." Ty interrupts.

"Don't interrupt me," Selene responds.

"Yes ma'am."

"I'm just joking around. But thank you." Selene smiles. The two sit in mostly silence for another thirty minutes before they're joined by Oliver and Cat. Usually, she isn't up this early but this time it must be because of Oliver.

"Pancakes?" Cat questions as she sleepily takes in the room. All three nod in response and she makes her way to the pantry to take inventory and gather ingredients. Selene doesn't miss the small chance to record as he trails behind her as she goes from pantry to fridge, to counter, to drawers and cabinets.

"Can I help?" He asks as he wraps his arms around her in a back-hug.

"You can mix." Cat smiles and lifts one of his hands to place a kiss on it. She starts measuring and adding ingredients into multiple bowls so they actually have enough to feed everyone before handing it off to Oliver. "None of you guys have dietary restrictions right?"

"No, we don't."

"Are you going to make chocolate chip?" Selene asks from the counter.

"I don't know, I don't know if the guys like chocolate chips in their pancakes," Cat responds as she goes to get the ingredients for gluten-free pancakes.

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