Chapter 43- May 4

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ha ha i bet you thought i abandoned this fic lol 

"Oh, I guess I do still have a sister," Selene teases as she takes a sip from her mug. Whether it was coffee or tea, Cat couldn't tell but she sighs as she finishes closing the door behind her.

"Hello, to you too," she groans.

"Is that our missing fifth roomie?" Meg calls as the three join the sisters in the living room.

"No way, I thought she moved out weeks ago," Mia continues.

"I guess you guys don't want to hear about what Oli and I talked about," Cat shrugs as she makes a show of turning back to the door and opening it.

"No, wait! There's our wonderful fifth roommate whom we could never live without," Sarah shouts and rushes to pull Cat away from the door.

"Ah yes, can't live with her, can't live without her," Selene adds before a shoe flies across the room to hit her in the chest. Cat is left with one shoe.

"Everyone but See can listen then," she punctuates her sentence by sticking her tongue out at the 'supposed to be excluded' girl.

"As if."

"Okay, just spill!" Meg whines as she moves Cat and Sarah to the couch.

"Well, most of it is uninteresting so the best part is the end," Cat starts.

"Ah! Ah!" Mia tuts, "I want as much detail from the top."

"Ugh, fine," Cat sulks, "Anyways, I thought he was gonna break up with me so I just told him to go ahead and do it but he was like 'what?' and 'why would I do that?'."

"Why did you think he wanted to break up with you?" Sarah asks.

"Have you not seen the way he was acting Saturday?" Cat returns with her own question.

"Have you not seen the absolute adoration every time he looks at you?" Mia counters.

"Okay, pushing aside his simping, back to the story," Meg interjects and urges Cat to continue.

"Well, anyway he was confused with my statement, and turns out he was acting so distant cause he thought I was uncomfortable with the pacing of our relationship since he didn't realize it was my first one. Which, by the way, I wonder how he came to know that information," She continues with a pointed stare at the girls around. All of the said girls, with the exception of Mia, avoid her gaze.

"You guys told him?" Mia asks with wide eyes.

"It just ended up that way," Sarah sheepishly admits, now also avoiding Mia's gaze.

"We were just on the topic of exes and talking about yours and mine, ended up moving to relationships in general," Meg explains.

"But Oli wasn't even in the room at the time," Selene points out, trying to defend her and the other two.

"He must have overheard," Meg guesses. Mia nods at their explanation before the conversation catches up with her. Meg said 'yours and mine' when talking about exes.

"Wait, back up. You guys talked about Joshua?" Mia raises her hands as she forces the conversation back. Meg realizes her mistake as soon as the words leave Mia's mouth.

"It's all Regie's fault!" Sarah whines, "We just mentioned them casually while playing games and he just kept asking questions."

"Yeah, it's all his fault!" Selene quickly jumps to agree with Sarah.

"We're getting off-topic here," Meg points out before gesturing for Cat to continue.

"We will be circling back to this though," Mia threatens as she points individually at the three guilty girls.

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