Chapter 26- April 14

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warning: there is talk of body insecurities which may be triggering to some

am i good to come over now??

Yeah, we're filming tho so don't go to the back

kk i'll be there in 5

Cat sets her phone down on her car stand before pulling away from her parking spot. After the penguin exhibit, Oliver had mentioned how a group of penguins reminded him of the Madagascar movies and the two ended up going on a tangent about the series. Of course, that means they have to watch said movies which was the purpose of today's visit. Well, the movies plus it's just nice to see her boyfriend. Luckily the drive from school to the house goes by quickly and soon Cat is slowly opening the front door and checking the house. It was fun and all being in the videos but today is not the day. She had an early class in the morning so she wasn't exactly dressed to be on camera. She always hates how she looks and sounds in videos anyway so it's easier to just avoid when possible. Since the boys were busy filming, she decided to make her way to the kitchen to wait. Once she sat down she realized her mistake. Cat was starving. That tends to happen with back-to-back classes and barely any time in between to sit and eat.

"Let's see what you have," she mumbles to herself as she opens the fridge to see a practically empty fridge.

"I see you found the food," Oliver's sudden voice from behind Cat causes her to jump before she turns to glare at her boyfriend.

"Are you guys done with filming?" She asks before closing the fridge and giving her full attention to the male.

"Yup, time for movies and cuddles."

"More like grocery shopping. You guys are in desperate need of some food."

"I'm assuming 'you guys' is mostly referring to you right now?" Oliver chuckles.

"Yeah, I'm a little hungry," Cat shrugs.

"We can run to the store," Oliver concedes and grabs the keys, "when was the last time you ate?"

"Um," Cat pauses to think, "Last night I had some of See's leftovers." Oliver turns to stare at Cat in disbelief.

"Babe, it's four in the afternoon," he comments.

"I know, but sometimes I just forget or just end up sleeping away the hungry," Cat whines.

"We're buying you food."

"That's what I've been saying."

"Don't be smart with me," Oliver scolds, "you have to take care of yourself, babe." He sighs and places a kiss on her temple as he opens the door for them to leave.

"Thank you, baby," Cat smiles up at the boy and returns his affection with a kiss of her own.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

"Are you guys watching Madagascar?" Sebastian calls from the entrance to the living room.

"Yeah," Oliver and Cat respond in unison. They were currently laying on the couch under a blanket with Cat leaning against Oliver's chest and his arm around her back with his hand resting on its usual spot on her thigh.

"Can I join?" Sebastian asks.

"You want to cuddle with us?" Cat teases.

"I do!" Darren shouts as he cuts into conversation and bounds into the room.

"Should we just watch this in my room?" Oliver asks as he does his best to prevent Darren from jumping on the couch.

"No," Sebastian whines, "stop stealing Cat away. It feels like I haven't seen her in days since you always whisk her away."

"We can stay in here. Might as well invite all the boys and we can move to the love seat," Cat compromises. Darren grins and tells the rest of the boys while Oliver and Cat get resettled on the love seat. This time, Oliver reclines the chair and rests his head on Cat's chest, and wraps his arms completely around her.

"Why Madagascar though?" Ryan asks Justin as the two enter.

"Babe," Cat whispers, "How are you supposed to watch the movie from there?"

"I just want to listen to your heart," He mumbles in response. Slowly, the rest of the guys filter in and they restart the movie. Cat's focus is anywhere but on the film. Her thoughts are a jumble of fangirling over how cute her boyfriend looks and what he must be thinking. Realistically, he is probably thinking about sleep or that he's lucky to be resting on her boobs. But all that runs through Cat's mind is all the things wrong with her body that he might notice. The way that this position causes her body's fat to bunch up around her stomach, or her chin from a lower angle that he's positioned, or maybe he thinks her boobs are too small. She takes a breath to clear her mind. This is not the time or place to worry. She shuffles a little in her spot to get more comfortable and loosen up before returning her attention to the screen. For the rest of the night, she runs her fingers through his hair and tries her best to keep her mind on a leash.

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