Chapter 5 - March 20

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Sarah and Cat are slumped on the air mattress in the middle of the living room. Selene is passed out on the couch. Mia is curled up in the chair, scrolling through her phone. Meg is staring at the coffee maker in the kitchen. All is as it should be at ten o'clock on a Sunday after wild drinking. Meg's tea finishes brewing and she takes it to the living room to sit on the second chair. Everything is still for another few minutes as the girls rest before a stirring comes from Selene. The tired girl barely lifts her head off the pillow and squints at Mia for a second before turning to squint at Meg, and then squint at the two still sleeping girls on the mattress. Selene grunts slightly as she sits up on the couch and stares in front of her for a moment. Then she stands and immediately flops on top of Sarah and Cat.

"Owwww!" Sarah groans at the impact and then all the girls are officially awake. They all sit in silence once again. Before it's broken, once again.

"So... Waffle House?"

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The five girls chat leisurely at the booth as they wait for their food to be delivered.

"I can't believe I drank that much," Selene groans into her water. The poor girl always gets the worst hangovers, quite the opposite from her sister who never gets hangovers.

"Have some orange juice too." Cat pushes her drink toward her sister, who takes a sip.

"It's always so fun at the time and then you have to deal with damage control." Meg laughs at the groaning girl.

"For real!" Sarah groans, joining in Selene's misery. "I totally tore my shirt trying to imitate those TikTok thirst traps."

"Worth it." Mia chuckles, scrolling through her camera roll and coming across the video of said incident. "We would make some great content if I could catch even half the shit we do on camera. I got lucky on this one." She moves her phone in front of Sarah and plays the video. The table erupts into laughter as they relive the moment.

"The most surprising thing to me was Cat calling club guy." Selene is interrupted by loud coughing from the girl across from her. "You good?" She asks as she lifts her head off the table.

"I did what?" Cat rasps as she clears the rest of the orange juice from her throat.

"You don't remember?" Selene responds as a mischievous grin spreads across her face. Where she lacks in hangover blessings, she makes up for in actually remembering the night. Quite the opposite of her poor sister. And boy does hungover Selene revel in that fact.

"No! I called Oliver?" Cat panics as she pulls her phone out and checks her call history to see that she did, in fact, call the cute boy she met at the club two nights ago.

"It wasn't that bad." Meg goes to console the flustered girl.

"Yeah," Selene interrupts, "You only flirted with him like crazy. Practically claimed the poor guy. Calling his friends over to enjoy the show too. And I mean, quite the show." Selene overexaggerates the incident with a mischievous smirk. Cat groans and drops her head to the table with a thud, causing a few heads to turn in their direction.

"All right ladies! Here's your food, is there anything else I can get for you?" The waitress asks as she sets down the food, pausing for a second so Cat can slowly lift her head from the table.

"A time machine," Cat grumbles in response before Mia laughs and assures the waitress that the group is all good.

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad," Mia responds.

"True. Mia snatched the phone before it got too far and started begging for some Regie guy." Selene smirks as she watches Mia go red.

"Run that past me again." She blinks in surprise at the youngest.

"I said that you took Cat's phone and started asking if Regie was around. Asking if you could talk to him." Selene grins.

"Is she telling the truth?" Cat turns to look between Meg and Sarah.

"A hundred percent," Sarah responds immediately, taking a bite of her meal.

"Guys!" Meg laughs at the two mortified faces across from her compared to the calm Sarah to their right. "It is true although a little over-exaggerated. It's not as bad as you think."

"I'm going to go dig a hole and die." Mia puts her face in her hands.

"Leave room for me please," Cat says as she copies the move.

"Just eat you dramatic whores." Selene laughs as she also takes a bite of her meal.

"How am I ever going to speak to him again?" Cat gives in and starts to dig into her meal.

"Just start by texting him sorry," Meg mumbles through a mouthful of food.

"You were honestly pretty cute, so I'm sure he'll forgive you quickly," Sarah says when Cat's phone vibrates on the table.

"Oh my god it's from him," Cat says after peeking at her screen and immediately pushing her phone away. Selene picks it up to read the text just as Mia's phone makes the same vibration.

"I swear they had to have planned that timing," Mia responds as she checks to see that she got a message from Regie.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Selene mimics in her best male voice.

"I heard you had fun last night." Sarah also does her best man impression as she reads behind Mia's shoulder.

"All right. I got this. I can respond." Cat sighs as she holds her hand out for her phone which Selene reluctantly hands over.

"Whatcha gonna say?" Meg leans closer to the duo.

"Chill, I'm just going to apologize for being weird." Cat laughs at her friend's behavior, "Don't get too excited."

"Awe!" Meg whines, "I'm just invested already. When do I get to meet these mystery boys anyways."

"I guess we'll just wait and see how this goes first," Mia says as she takes another bite of her pancake, "Can't get too attached just yet."

"Your trust issues are showing, Mia," Sarah comments, causing Mia to smack her on the shoulder and the table to laugh.

"Maybe this weekend. Depending on all of our schedules," Cat ponders aloud.

"I'm free!" Sarah responds immediately.

"Me too!" Mia adds.

"I'll make myself free if I get to meet the guy my sister's interested in." Selene winks.

"I should probably be free unless Austin has something planned for this weekend," Meg mentions.

"I guess it all depends on if they're busy then." Cat smiles before the girls fully immerse themselves in their meal.

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