Chapter 15 - April 2

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"We're here!" Mia shouts as she exits the car. Though they had a little trouble getting there thanks to a certain person (Cat). The girls pull up to the guys' place so they can all ride together. It does not slip past their notice that the group of boys has a camera in hand. They are probably filming the whole experience for a video.

"Where are your bags?" Kane asks as he approaches the group. A tired-looking Selene gives him a look that says 'where the fuck do you think the bags would be?' before leading him to the trunk of the car where the bags are and then also points out the dress bags hanging in the back seat.

"I was expecting more," Darren comments as he peeks at the luggage.

"Do you have a seating arrangement already?" Meg asks Ty as she leaves the rest of the group to organize the luggage on their own.

"Not really," He shrugs, "We just know that Oliver, Ryan, and I are driving on the way there."

"I call shotgun in Oli's car!" Cat shouts, starting a chorus of people claiming spots in cars. They finish loading the luggage and Cat gets in her seat next to Oliver with Regie and Mia as their passengers.

"Angyangyangyangyang!" Kane shouts from the back seat of Ty's car with Bae in the passenger seat recording. Selene grabs the back of his collar to drag him back inside the car window as Meg and Bae laugh from inside the vehicle.

"You gonna let him 'angyangyang' you like that?" Ryan shouts from his car with Justin in the passenger seat and Sarah, Darren, and Sebastian in the back. Oli ignores them all and just backs out of the driveway.

"Boy, am I glad to not be in those cars," Regie comments before laying down in the backseat and placing his head in Mia's lap. It does not take long for Mia to join Regie in sleeping. After reaching the interstate, Oliver's hand comes to rest on Cat's thigh as she handles music and navigation.  The two talks uninterrupted for the next two hours before the backseat starts to stir.

"What time is it?" Mia mumbles.

"9:30 and there's about thirty minutes left," Cat answers in a whispered tone as to not wake the still sleeping Regie.

"Aye, yo, Reg," Mia shakes the boy resting on her lap, "get up. You made my leg fall asleep."

"Miiiiaaaa," Regie whines as he wakes up.

"Damn, and I was trying to be nice and not wake him up," Cat chuckles.

"He'll get over it," Oli comments.

"So I messaged Tia and them and they should be arriving a bit before we do, Maddie already has and Lauryn is a few minutes away," Mia says after a few moments of silence.

"Who's Tia?" Regie questions as he peeks over Mia's shoulder to look at her phone.

"One of the date giveaway winners," Cat answers.

"Yeah, it's Tia, Maddie, Lauryn, and Kayla." Mia lists off the names on her hand. "I searched them up on insta when the winners were announced on Monday," She adds.

"Y'all- What? You guys have been texting each other?" Oliver looks sideways towards Cat, his hand still tapping her thigh in beat with the music.

"Yeah, they're super cool people," She smiles at her own date, "We should find a place to meet up with them at," Cat directs the question toward Mia in the backseat.

"Sure, I'll text the group chat," She looks down at her phone once again and begins typing.

"A group chat?"

"Yes babe, a group chat," Mia smiles at Regie, "now get your jaw off the floor. It's not that surprising."

"It's just funny that y'all befriended them before we could," Regie clarifies.

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