Chapter 32- April 21

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Time could not pass by fast enough. Mia stared at the clock on the wall as she waited for time to pass. Why does it always feel like time purposely moves slowly when you're watching it? Currently, she is at work and while she isn't on the closing shift, she still works until six. This means she has to wait until six to see Regie and go on their date. It is also particularly exciting because this is the first time he's actually picking her up from work.

"Mia," Kim calls, "would you mind handling the fitting room while I check out this customer?"

"Of course," Mia agrees and heads to the back. Usually, the customers just ask for advice on clothing and right now there was only one woman in the room. The customer must have been pretty close to finishing because not long after Mia arrived, they leave their room and hand Mia all of their discards. She works silently fixing the clothes on their hangers when Kim rejoins her in the back.

"You're awfully distracted today," Kim comments.

"It's just one of those days that you with time moved a little faster," Mia responds.

"Have any special plans for afterward?" Kim pries. Kim wasn't old old but she was old enough to be Mia's mother.

"My boyfriend is actually picking me up for a date," Mia says and can't help the smile and blush rise to her face.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend," Kim squeals, "What's he like? Do I get to meet him? Is he cute?" She bombards Mia with questions.

"I wouldn't date him if he wasn't cute and he's very kind to me," Mia smiles.

"Well you get off in the next few minutes so hopefully I get to see him too," Kim says before walking away to put away the clothes. They move around fixing clothes until Mia checks the time to see that she is free to go. She says goodbye to Kim and her other co-worker before texting Regie that she is ready and clocking out. Just as she leaves the store, Regie's car pulls up and parks along the curb. He jumps out of the car as she approaches and kisses her before opening the door.

"So where to first?" Mia asks as she hops into the passenger seat.

"There's a little cafe nearby I want to take you to," He responds.

"Sounds good," Mia smiles as they drive off. It only takes a few minutes for a text from Kim to cross her phone.

Mia, you better keep that boy. He opened the door for you and he is cute.

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"Do we have to go back yet?" Mia whines as they leave the shop.

"Where would you like to go instead?"

"Let's just drive around," Mia suggests and Regie easily agrees. Silence settles in the car with them as they drive off towards nowhere. Eventually, Mia starts pointing out different landmarks that she and the other girls made memories or frequented.

"This is the bar I took Sarah to when she turned 21." Mia points around the area excitedly with a smile on her face, "and this-" She stops herself and her smile falters.

"What happened there?" Regie encourages her to continue.

"It's nothing important," She brushes it off and looks around to the other shops and bars.

"No, I want to know," Regie continues, not fully aware of the mood that just entered.

"It's just where my ex and I would go to the most," She sighs at the unpleasant memory, "but that's all over with now and I don't really care to talk about him." Regie takes the hint and quickly asks about different places in the area until Mia returns to her previous self and is happily giving him a tour of the area. Slowly, they make their way back to her house where he'll probably end up staying the night.

"Hello," He greets as they walk through the door.

"Welcome back," Selene barely mumbles in response with her head buried in her book.

"Selene!" Mia cheers, "you better get ready for our trip tomorrow."

"We're not leaving until the afternoon," Selene responds as she tries to swat away her roommate.

"Is that Mia I hear?" Sarah calls from the hallway.

"The one and only," Mia responds.

"Are you pestering See? She wants to get as much homework done before the trip so leave her alone," Sarah scolds lightly.

"Yeah, Mia! Don't bother See," Selene teases.

"Shut up!" Mia laughs before leaving the girl to her studies.
"Have you two had dinner?" Meg asks as she leaves her room.

"Yeah, we ate at a cafe after work," Mia answers.

"Why? Are you cookin?" Regie asks, "Cause I can always eat more."

"Well, now I'm not," Meg laughs, and Regie whines.

"Do the guys starve you over at your place?" Sarah giggles.

"Yes," Regie confidently states.

"Sucks to suck I guess," Selene adds, eyes still not leaving her book.

"Damn, I get bullied here too," Regie says as he mocks hurt.

"Anyways we're going to go take a nap," Mia says.

"Isn't that just going to bed?" Selene asks.

"Aren't you supposed to be studying?" Mia counters and Selene shrugs as she returns to her work. The two leave the room and head to Mia's where she changes and snuggles into bed next to her boyfriend. She quickly falls asleep but Regie can not say the same. His mind just keeps wandering back to the expression she made when talking about her ex. What happened to her?

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