Chapter 4 - March 19

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Mia just couldn't quite reach the top of the curtain no matter how much she stretched.

"I got it Mia." Selene comes behind the shorter girl and plucks the streamer out of her hands.

"Thanks See," Mia smiles as she makes way for the other girl to put up the green decoration. She turns to take in the rest of the room. They were throwing a little surprise party for Cat since Selene and Meg couldn't join the other three at the club the other day. Plus, Cat didn't drink near enough for a proper twenty-first birthday. They were going to get her as far gone as was non-life-threatening.

"Has she moved from the school yet?" Sarah asks as soon as she puts the finishing touches on the mini-bar they had set up. Meg pulls her phone out of her pocket and checks Cat's location,

"Not yet but she should be leaving soon. She said it'd take three or four hours and it's already been three and a half," Meg recites as she puts her phone back in her pocket.

"Are we done with all the decorations?" Selene questions as she carries the stool from the window.

"I don't think there's anything left?" Mia turns to take in the room once again. Steamers, balloons, confetti (that they'll probably still be finding for months to come), drinks, snacks, and everyone in a splash of green.

"Yeah, it looks like we're properly St. Patrick's Day themed," Meg says as she pulls her phone out once again. "She's moving!"

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"Shit!" The shouts cause Cat to jump as she walks in the door, almost making her to drop her phone. "What is this?" She says as she fully takes in the room.

"Since we didn't get to celebrate with Meg and Selene on Thursday, we thought we'd have a continuation here!" Sarah cheers as she and Meg each grab one of Cat's arms.

"Plus, you didn't drink near enough on Thursday," Mia mentions.

"Oh, so this is a slightly more illegal version of Thursday." Cat laughs. "Where are y'all taking me anyways?"

"We picked something out for you to wear so we're going to get you changed, take some pictures, and then see who can get the drunkest, the fastest," Selene calls from behind.

"Say no more!"

It didn't take long for Cat to change and the night to begin. They hurried to take their pictures, group and solos alike before the hair came down and the makeup smudged. The bar was calling their names and they answered. Shot, after shot, after shot. All the girls were speeding towards being intoxicated, especially with the surprisingly tasty liquor. Once properly tipsy, the drinking games began. The more they laughed, the more they drank, and the more they drank, the more they laughed.

"Sarah!" Meg cheered with her cheeks flushed, "Let's take another shot!"

"Yay! Shots!" Sarah threw her arms around the other girl and they scampered to the kitchen.

"Wait! Me too!" Cat yells as she grabs Mia and Selene dragging them to the kitchen. The pink liquor is poured and they all tap their glasses together before throwing it to the back of their throats. Well. Except for Mia who cringes takes another deep breath, and swallows it down.

"You're getting better at this Babe!" Cat cheers before smacking Mia on the butt, which Mia quickly returns.

"With the way y'all have me drinking tonight," She takes a breath and leans on the counter, "I have to get better." A small ding chimes from Cat's phone and a large grin spreads across her face as she reads the notification.

"Ooooo!" Selene sings as she sees the grinning form on her sister's face, "Who ya texting?" She teases and goes to poke Cat's side before missing and almost falling.

"Oliver!" Cat squeals. "We've been talking non-stop since yesterday."

"Should I text Joshua?" Mia said as she struggled to get her own phone out of her back pocket.

"No!" Meg practically leaps across the group to steal Mia's phone from her hand.

"Absolutely no ex texting!" Sarah drunkenly shakes her pointer finger in Mia's face.

"Yeah! You're supposed to call the hoes when you're drunk!" Cat giggles and no one could stop her as she presses the facetime button on Oliver's contact.

"Bad idea! Bad idea! Bad idea!" Sarah exclaims as Meg reaches to end the call before it connects. Cat, Mia, and Selene giggle as they run across the house away from the other two girls. Selene falls as they make their escape before hopping back up and taking off again unphased.

"Hello?" A voice echoes out of the phone as a face appears.

"Oliver! You answered!" Cat laughs as she dodges a grab from Meg which causes the girl to stumble.

"Caaaaaaaaaaaaat!" Meg whines.

"Oh so this is the cute club guy," Selene says as she peeks to look at the phone screen.

"Is Regie around?" Mia snatches the phone from Cat's hand.

"Is that Mia?" A faint voice calls as Kane's face comes into view. "What is going on over there? There's a lot of yelling."

"Give me my phone back!" Cat reaches for her phone. "It's my Oli time!"

"Got it!" Sarah leaps between the two and grabs the phone. "Sorry boys! We're very drunk right now and don't plan on sobering up anytime soon!" Sarah grins.

"Bye!" Meg shoves her face in front of the camera with a wide grin on her face before pressing the red 'end call' button. On the other side of the phone, a confused and slightly flustered Oliver sits with his phone in his hand.

"Well that was interesting," Kane says as the two stare at the now dark phone in Oliver's hand.

"Yeah..." Oliver says.

"She totally said she wanted Oli time," Kane smirks as he tries to dodge a blushing Oliver's palm heading for his arm.

"Shut up!"

"Guys! Oliver totally has a crush on that Cat girl from the club!" Kane shouts as he bolts out of Oliver's arms reach.

"I said to be quiet!" Oliver yells as he chases the other man out of the room. 

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