Chapter 41- May 2

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TW for eating disorders/body dysmorphia

"Hello, hello!" Meg calls as she, Selene, Mia, and Sarah walk into the guys house. A few guys peek their heads out from around the corner and Regie smiles at the sight of them (and one in particular) and walks over to greet the girls.

"We're finishing up filming in the kitchen so if you want to wait in the living room, we'll be there in a sec," Regie says before kissing Mia's temple and walking back to join the others.

"Is Cat not coming?" Mia asks as she plops down on the couch.

"No, she's not," Selene says, a slight nervousness in her voice.

"I feel like I haven't seen her since Saturday night," Sarah groans and just makes herself at home on the floor.

"I haven't seen her," Mia states. Truthfully. Sarah and Mia literally haven't seen the girl since going to sleep Saturday.

"Actually she's been acting really weird," Meg mentions as she takes their words into consideration.

"She hardly ate any of her dinner Saturday and since we haven't seen her, I don't know if she's eaten anything," Selene adds.

"Oh no, do you think..." Meg's words don't need to be finished as a worried glance passes between all of the girls.

"It couldn't be..." Mia continued.

"Like her junior year," Selene confirms. A relapse. Cat has never had the best image of herself and especially her body but it was really bad junior year of high school. She'd go days without eating or only eating the absolute minimum and would even make herself sick. They only noticed when she fainted during choir and had to go to the nurse. Luckily, she didn't have to be hospitalized and they and other friends at the time were able to help her to recover physically and mentally. However, that doesn't stop them from remembering.

"But what could have caused it?" Mia wonders aloud.

"What are you ladies talking about?" Darren asks while throwing himself over the couch to land next to Sarah.


"Yeah, where is she? It feels like I haven't seen her in days," Kane whines as he also makes his way into the room along with Sebastian, Ryan, and Regie.

"Other than seeing you guys briefly on Saturday, I haven't seen her since Friday morning," Sebastian adds.

"We were thinking that she's been acting strange," Sarah informs, deciding to let the guys into the conversation.

"Do you think something happened?" Ryan asks nervously.

"She could just be stressed from final exams," Regie suggests, trying his best to be optimistic in the tense atmosphere.

"No, she would still come home if it were from finals," Selene says.

"Wait, she's not going home," Sebastian asks, his jaw dropping.

"Not at times when we're still awake," Meg confirms, and the situation sinks in for the surrounding boys. Getting worried, they wonder how this could have happened or what could have led them to this point.

"Now that I think about it, she and Oliver seemed kind of tense Friday and Saturday," Regie ponders.

"He did kind of kick her out," Ryan adds, an edge to his tone.

"He what?!" Selene yells, practically jumping from her chair.

"Oh yeah! That pissed me off but he kept saying that she needed the space," Kane groans, remembering how Oliver was acting.

"It was really weird cause he doesn't say stuff like that without concrete reasoning," Sebastian adds.

"Well shit, that's probably what's causing it," Meg says.

"Causing what? What's up with Cat?" Kane asks, getting worried. The girls were obviously not sharing something with them.

"Where is Oliver now?" Sarah directs the question to Darren, ignoring Kane's question.

"He and Justin are chatting with the media team in the kitchen," Darren says as he points in the direction of the other two boys, a confused look on his face.

"Whatever happened, it hit him hard too," Sebastian adds in an attempt to lessen the blame on his brother.

"True, he didn't leave his room at all yesterday," Kane elaborates and his words leave silence behind them as the room thinks about the situation. Cat and Oliver fought and it is drastically affecting both their mental and physical health.

"We should do something," Selene decides but there was no suggestion in her voice.

"I've always wanted to do an intervention," Kane suggests.

"Don't get too excited. We just need to get them in a room together so they can talk it out," Ryan scolds, smacking Kane's arm.

"I agree, I think open communication with one another is what they need," Meg says.

"Hey, guys!" Justin calls as he enters the room.

"Is Cat here?" Oliver asks, walking in with Justin. He was hoping to talk to her about Saturday night. She didn't talk to him at the event and she hasn't been answering her phone. He wants to make sure she is okay, she's acting strange.

"No, she's holed up in the library," Meg says.

"Is she coming?" he continues, hopefully.

"I don't think so," Meg says with a shake of her head.

"Oh okay," Oliver sighs before leaving just as quickly as he came, more worried than he was when he entered the room. He hopes she is okay and that she will answer his texts or calls so he knows.

"Damn he really is upset," Sarah relents.

"I told you," Sebastian cries, exasperated.

"So what are we gonna do?" Kane asks.

"Cat takes her last exam tomorrow so she won't be able to use studying as an excuse," Meg starts.

"We don't have any big filming plans tomorrow either," Darren adds. Somehow he has situated himself to be upside down on the couch.

"I vote we just lock them in a room alone together," Ryan suggests.

"Sounds good to me," Kane says.

"Same!" Justin agrees before adding, "So, um... what are we talking about?"

"Yall wanna play smash or Mario Kart?" Regie says as he ignores Justin's question.

"I still have to study since I still have exams to take," Selene pouts, gesturing to the bookbag she brought along.

"Only if you're ready to get your ass handed to you," Mia teases, accepting Regie's invitation.

"It's on." He snipes back.

now you may be thinking 'this feels so familiar? didn't i already read this?'

the answer is yes, you have

i decided to republish this since my editor and i made quite a few changes

speaking of changes, the entire story is officially caught up on editing and the most changes were made in Chapter 35 so i recommend re-reading that

anyways enjoy this chapter dump that i've been saving

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