Chapter 22: Don't. Just... Don't

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"Shirayuki, (Y/N), morning!" the three heard the familiar voice of Mitsuhide call out before they looked over to find him waving

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"Shirayuki, (Y/N), morning!" the three heard the familiar voice of Mitsuhide call out before they looked over to find him waving. They were currently taking some baskets back to the main office, with Obi, who had decided to tag along after running into them.

"Heyo- Oop!" (Y/N) said, accidentally letting go of the heavy basket to wave, only to be dragged down with it once it fell. But they luckily were able to save themselves fast enough, letting out a sheepish smile. They quickly cleared their voice in embarrassment before saying, "Good morning..."

"Good morning to you, too," Shirayuki said as the group laughed at (Y/N), who could only glare.

"Anyways... Listen, (Y/N). Have you noticed that Zen's been acting weird lately?" he asked as he approached them, only to earn a confused look as they shook their head. "He just seems a bit distracted and distant... It's so unlike him."

"(Y/N)! Shirayuki!!" they suddenly heard the familiar voice of Lottie, the head maid, shout out as she ran towards them, making them send her a concerned look. 

"What happened, Lottie?" (Y/N) asked as they set down their basket before putting a hand on the girl, who was breathing heavily from running.

"I'm terribly sorry, but you're needed at once! Prince Zen has been injured quite badly!" the maid exclaimed, making (Y/N) realize what was going to happen today... They slightly rolled their eyes as they smirked to themselves, knowing they were the only one who knew.  

"What!?" everyone let out, Mitsuhide looking especially worried before he suddenly ran off, leaving everyone to chase after him.


"So then the tapestry fell on top of you from upstairs and hurt your neck...?" Shirayuki asked after Zen had retold the events of how the hell it had happened. 

"Yeah..." Zen replied, trying to maintain a smile, which came out looking like he was just in pain. 

"And is there pain when you turn your head, or...?" (Y/N) questioned as they sat beside him, trying to get a look at his neck. And from what they could see, a big purple bruise had grown at the back of his neck. 

"There is," Zen said as he struggled to not move his head.

"We're- We're incredibly sorry, Your Highness!!" Lottie and the new newly recruited maid, Eloise, exclaimed as they bowed, only for Zen to send a smile as he turned his body towards them to say, 

"It's alright. I should've been paying more attention anyway. Just, try to be more careful..."

"Yes, Your Highness!" they said as they kept their heads down, presumably in shame and remorse.

"You may return to work," Zen said, excusing the poor maids who were probably stressing over losing their jobs!

"Thank you for understanding!" they said before quickly scurrying away, wiping their face of tears.

𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 | Akagami no Shirayuki-hime x GN!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now