Chapter 17: Ya Filthy Pirates!

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"I-! Nevermind that!" Kazuzki let out in embarrassment, waving what you had said off before continuing

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"I-! Nevermind that!" Kazuzki let out in embarrassment, waving what you had said off before continuing. "Now's our chance... We have to get out before things get worse..." He then turned to look at the distressed Shirayuki. "Shirayuki, can you do this? I know it's scary..."

It was quiet for moment as they waited for the red-head's response. "I can," Shirayuki finally replied, face beaming with determination as she finally pulled away from you, who couldn't help but smile at the sight of your friend's determined face.

"Huh-? Woah! W-Wait-!"

"Woah, what're you doing!?"

Both you and Kazuki let out as Shirayuki suddenly started ripping at her dress, quickly ripping in the middle of the skirt before tying said fabric together as she said, "Would you two want to wear this dress during an escape?"

"I guess not..." you mumbled to yourself as you moved to stand from the bed, stretching your legs slightly to get rid of the numbness. "Dude, your face...!" you let out as you pointed towards a still-shocked Kazuki, who turned to you after your comment in confusion. "We seriously need to help you before your face starts swelling..." you added as you walked over to him, grabbing his face lightly to inspect the slightly flustered boy.

"It's nothing..." the boy mumbled as you continued to turn his face, with Shirayuki now walking over to do the same. "Uh-! Nah! We'll do it later...!" the boy let out as he suddenly pulled away, clearly red-faced as he turned away to open the door.

'Okay, I'm not that oblivious!!' you thought as you playfully rolled your eyes at the boy's stalling, watching as he looked left and right outside of the room.

"Damnit...! We're already on the boat...! I was afraid of that..." Kazuki said to himself as he hesitantly stepped out of the room, with you and Shirayuki following quickly after. "Then what now?" Shirayuki asked as she moved closer to you.

"There's not a lot of movement, so the ship must be anchored," Kazuki informed as you began looking around at the many barrels and crates that were inside the little space. "With any luck, we're still close to shore."

You two watched as the boy ran up a set of small sets that were nearby, which presumably led back up to the deck of the boat. Kazuki attempted to push on the barred-up opening, only to no avail. "She locked it, so we're not going to be able to sneak up on deck. Knowing her, there are probably guards anyway..." He then turned to you two and said, "You two got any ideas?"

"I think I have one..." you trailed off, causing the other two to turn to you with expecting faces. "Those are Totoka seeds, no?" you began as you pointed towards a sack nearby, which was opened enough to expose the brown seeds that layed inside. "If we use the lantern in the room along with these seeds, we'll be able to make a big enough diversion," you finished as you walked over to grab a batch of said seeds.

"Oh! I remember that!" Shirayuki said, eyes lighting up slightly as she grabbed some of the seeds as well.

🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · 🙦

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