⤷ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏: 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐀 𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝...

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Words: 646

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Words: 646

Edited: 5/15/23


'Oh god! My brain is trying to pound out of my fucking skull with this much of a headache...!' (Y/N) thought as they immediately reached up to grab the side of their head with a groan. 'Oh, right... That psycho was the one who did this to me...!'

They slowly began opening their eyes, only to find that they were definitely not in their house anymore...

"Where the fuck am I...?" they asked no one as they began whipping their head around to take in their surroundings, ignoring their pounding headache as they did so. But, besides the fact that they appeared to be in the middle of the woods, what surprised them, even more, was... their voice!? Why... Why did it sound like a little kid...!? 

They slowly looked down at their hands in suspicion, finding what they had feared... They had baby hands!! And their body...! It was a little too small for their own liking...!

Yep... They're definitely a child...

"Nooooo~!" they yelled in distress, their hands bawling into fists as they cursed the gods above. 

"Never would've guessed I'd be isekai'd... I guess that's what I get for reading too much fanfiction..." they mumbled, quickly getting weirded out by their own high-pitched voice.

But just as they began wallowing in their misery, they suddenly heard a child-like voice say, "Grandma, look!"

And that's when, out of a bush, popped out a girl with bright red hair. 

'Oh... Oh no... Is this...what I think it is...?' they thought as their eyes widened, almost falling over due to the shock.  'Yeah... it is, isn't it?'

They stared wide-eyed at the little girl, who looked back at them with a friendly smile until she moved aside. And out came an elderly woman from beyond the bushes. Was that her grandma...? 

"Oh! Dear, child are you alright? Why are you here all by yourself?" the woman asked as she rushed over to (Y/N), with the redhead quickly following with curiosity. 

'Quick! Gotta act fast!' they thought, sweating nonexistent bullets as their eyes darted around. 

"I- um..." What the fuck are they supposed to say?! 




"M-My mommy l-left me!" they all of a sudden cried out as their eyes began tearing up before they started full-on wailing. But, of course, no tears came out.

'Is that the best you could come up with!?' they thought with a sweatdrop as they watched the woman catch the bait, covering her mouth in shock. Should they really be doing this to an innocent old lady...?

"You poor child...!" she said.

The little red-haired girl then rushed over to (Y/N)'s side, and being the sweet child that she is, she immediately gave them a comforting hug.

"Oh, dear, why don't you come with me? My husband and I will take care of you, hm?" the woman said as she put a hand on their back,  beginning to guide them toward the bushes they had appeared from.

"O-Okay..." they said, sniffling as they wiped their nose with their hand. 

Thank god it worked! They would've been dead meat if she hadn't bought it...! Although, this headache is already killing them!




How many years has it been since they've been here? They don't know... They lost count a while back... But all they know is that they will miss the people who they have come to know as Nana and Papa. Nana, who died last year of sickness, and Papa, who died yesterday, also from an unknown disease.

As they held Shirayuki tightly, looking away as they heard her sobs, they couldn't help but think... is this part of the reason why Shirayuki wanted to become an herbalist...?

[End of Chapter 1: What A Cruel World...]

𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 | Akagami no Shirayuki-hime x GN!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now