Chapter 21: Marriage...?

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"Hello, Chief Garaak!"

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"Hello, Chief Garaak!"


Shirayuki and (Y/N) said as they closed the door behind them, bowing slightly to the woman who gave the two a smile. "We can work with you again. Starting right now," Shirayuki said as (Y/N) nodded vigorously by her side. As much as they used to hate this, after what happened, they will never complain again...

"Long time, no see!" Garaak greeted with a wave, cup of tea in hand as Yatsufusa set down a pile of books to greet the two with a wave.  

"Welcome back!" he said as the two sent him a smile.

"Have any of you told Prince Izana that you're here?" Garaak asked as she leaned against her desk, taking a sip of her tea. Shirayuki was the one to give a nod in response, causing (Y/N) to give her a shocked look, which she ignored obliviously.

"I have! He said that we had done good work... and that he would like to hear more about it at a later date!" Shirayuki said as she moved to set her bag down on a nearby table, with (Y/N) following behind her.

"Great. Since you two had a long journey, you should have a lighter workload. At least, that's what I'd like to say!" Garaak said with a laugh, proving (Y/N)'s thought right. Of course, that part of the job wouldn't change after literally being kidnapped! "But we just don't have that luxury...!"

"You can say that again..." (Y/N) muttered as their eyes flickered throughout the room, beginning to get stressed by the amount of stuff that needed to be done.


"Huh-? Ryuu!!" (Y/N) exclaimed in joy as they raced over to the shocked boy, who had dropped his books and papers once he caught sight of the two.  "I'll help you," they said as they began picking up the books and papers, with Shirayuki quickly running over to help as well.

"No, they're not ghosts! Our favorites are finally back!" Garaak said to Ryuu, who looked down at (Y/N) and Shirayuki in shocked confusion.

"Shirayuki, (Y/N)... Oh-! Sorry...!" he let out, finally remembering that he had dropped his things and kneeling down to help the other two who were practically already done picking everything up.

"It's fine, Ryuu! By the way- is this for a new medicine? I've never seen it before..." (Y/N) trailed off as their eyes trailed down a piece of paper they had picked up, which had the instructions on how to prepare the new medicine. Shirayuki looked over their shoulder curiously before (Y/N) handed her the papers to see.

"Yes, I thought of it the other day," Ryuu said as Shirayuki studied the paper with intrigue.

"Oh... So, infuse the Tartsugi herb with it..." Shirayuki let out as she read the paper, before looking back to Ryuu with determined eyes. "You don't mind if I try that later on, do you?"

"No," Ryuu said as he stood up, being followed by Shirayuki and (Y/N). "Let me know when you do it, though."

"Definitely! Oh- yeah... How did the painkiller turn out?" she asked as she put the papers on the pile of books.  

𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐈 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 | Akagami no Shirayuki-hime x GN!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now