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As the week progressed, Jake's health improved significantly, and he was eager to return to school after missing it so much. However, Frankie couldn't shake off her dissatisfaction with Han's absence throughout the week.

Despite his claims of being preoccupied with work, she couldn't find him in the garage when she went looking.

Even Earl, Reiko, Twinkie, Tosh, and the others seemed to be covering for him, which struck Frankie as odd.

However, Frankie had her own network of loyal confidants.

Bianca, Kai, and Kari, her trusted allies, acted as her secret spies, keeping a close eye on Han's activities and reporting back to her without fail. Their unwavering loyalty to Frankie ensured that she remained informed, regardless of Han's attempts to keep his actions under wraps.

He could sneeze without covering his mouth, and somehow, she'd always find out.

Their relationship teetered between healthy concern and something more toxic, but Frankie didn't mind. There was an unspoken understanding that he was hiding something, and even her closest friends were in the dark.

With Jake at school, Frankie seized the opportunity to have a girls' day with Kari and Bianca, relishing in the rare chance to bond with friends.

Growing up, Frankie never had many close friends, making the presence of two trustworthy girlfriends all the more precious. While she valued her connections with Letty, Elena, and Mia, there was an undeniable sense of obligation tethering them to her.

Gisele was another friend Frankie wished she could spend more time with. If she hadn't passed away, perhaps they would be living in Tokyo together, raising Jake. But dwelling on what could have been only plunged Frankie into a spiral of sadness she couldn't afford, especially around her son.

So, spending time with her friends, reminiscing like teenagers, and indulging in some gossip over cocktails provided a welcome distraction from the melancholy of her reality.

As Friday rolled around, Frankie felt justified in treating herself to a cocktail, especially since Jake would be picked up by his father after school.

They gathered on the cozy patio, snug in their fluffy coats and socks, relishing the intimate ambience. Bianca, holding her homemade cocktail, leaned in with intrigue.

"Wait, so Tej and Roman are both single?"

Her brow furrowed in disbelief.

"Bitch, hush. You know my brother's been trying to charm you for ages. You can't see through him like that. Poor guy's getting desperate," Kari interjected, echoing Frankie's sentiments as she raised her glass in agreement.

"I'm sorry, Kari, but my heart belongs to the chocolate daddies," Bianca said, joining the playful banter.

Bianca, undeterred, simply shrugged, taking another sip of her drink. Kari and Frankie exchanged knowing glances, recognizing Bianca's increasing tipsiness evidenced by her use of the term "chocolate daddies."

Their laughter filled the air, a welcome break from the seriousness of life.

"Okay," Frankie leaned in, her voice tinged with excitement. "My neighbour asked me out on a date."

Kari and Bianca erupted into joyful chaos, bouncing in their seats and nearly spilling their drinks.

"The one Jake always talks about with the cool bike?"

Bianca confirmed, eyes wide with excitement. Frankie nodded, her own grin spreading contagiously.

"And I said yes."

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