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Normally, she would feel ashamed after having sex with Vince. She'd disappear and never talk about it.

Frankie didn't feel that way with Han.

It was an early Sunday afternoon and she was still tangled in his sheets, showing him how much she appreciated him by kissing him so senselessly.

His hand rested on her jaw, deepening the kiss as her hands were pressed against his bulky chest.

Frankie didn't want to leave him, but she needed to return the car and face her siblings after her little meltdown. She just didn't want to ruin the most magical time that they were having.

It wasn't just the kissing and sex that they enjoyed, it was the conversations they'd been having before, between, and after.

He was vocal about liking the way she would speak and how freely she was able to speak to him.

It would turn most guys off when a girl would constantly talk, but he wasn't most guys.

He appreciated every word that escaped her mouth during their time together. The only problem was that he was afraid this might never happen again.

He didn't know her last name or anything else that would help him find her in the future.

Women like her always leave.

He's never had a steady relationship, most of them were hookups or just something to pass the time before he found the one he wanted to be with.

Something about Frankie made him think that she was the one.

They had a lot in common.

Honestly, he just wanted more time with her.

Han wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his chest. She giggled as he playfully attacked her neck and the side of her face with kisses.

It was very strange.

How did Han manage to make her feel this way in less than twenty-four hours?

Frankie looked at him with soft eyes, tilting her head as he stopped kissing her. She wanted to tell him everything, she wanted to be honest with him because she needed this to work.

Frankie didn't think when she woke up this morning that she would feel this way.

They were strangers to each other.

She rolled over, laying on her back as he hovered over her. His hand slid down the soft skin of her chest, then her stomach. Playfully flicking her piercing and she giggled, smacking his arm lightly. He smiled, pressing his lips against hers.

After their silent endeavours, Han found himself spooning her, holding her close and kissing her neck.

Frankie hummed, "I have to leave soon."

Her fingers played with his fingers, lacing them together.

"No," he mumbled against her skin.

Frankie thought about something for a moment, it was a completely random thought, but she felt like it would mean something for any type of relationship they planned to pursue.

Of course, she didn't want to talk about their relationship, they'd just met and she was enjoying things the way they were.

She didn't want to scare him away.

What she was about to say would be good for them, so she said it.

"My name's not Frankie."

For a moment he paused, moving his neck higher so he could see the look on her face.

𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐀 𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐒 | HAN LUEOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant