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The gnawing pain in her stomach sent shivers down Frankie's spine, a haunting reminder of the turmoil she had experienced after her confrontation with Letty. 

Although she had taken measures to shield her unborn child, the persistent ache hinted that something wasn't right. 

Now, huddled in the back of the Range Rover, Mia and Frankie were forced into a stifling silence, a menacing gun trained on them. 

Their attempts to contact Brian or Han were futile, leaving them with an overwhelming sense of vulnerability. 

Grateful that Elena and Jack were safe, Frankie couldn't shake the feeling that, if anything befell them, the weight of guilt would be unbearable. In hindsight, leaving Spain when the opportunity presented itself seemed like a missed chance.

The ominous journey led them to a desolate runway at an airport, where they were unceremoniously ushered onto a plane.

Despite the dire circumstances, at least Frankie and Mia had each other, offering a sliver of solace amid the uncertainty. 

On the plane, they found themselves confined by restraints, compelled to stand and await their fate. 

An unsettling question lingered in the air—what awaited them?

The enigmatic Owen Shaw wasn't one to keep hostages for long; his ruthlessness was evident.

Concern gripped Frankie as she contemplated their grim prospects, questioning whether their survival was even a possibility. The lingering doubt overshadowed any hope of rescue by the likes of Dom and Brian.

Amidst the ominous circumstances, Frankie couldn't shake the unsettling realization that Owen Shaw was a man who upheld his promises, even when those promises meant dire consequences. 

The cold certainty settled over her like a heavy shroud, and she found herself contemplating the nature of Shaw's older brother. 

If Owen was a harbinger of ruthlessness, what depths did his sibling's cruelty reach? 

The grim anticipation of an impending end loomed over her, leaving Frankie to wonder if the sibling shared Owen's callous determination or if he possessed an even darker, more sinister disposition. 

The unknown fate that awaited her amplified the weight of the moment, the inevitability of her life hanging in the balance.

Within the confined space of the plane, Frankie keenly sensed the palpable waves of anxiety emanating from Mia. 

It was as if the apprehension coursing through Mia's veins reverberated in the air, creating an atmosphere thick with tension. The subtle quivers and shudders in Mia's body betrayed the inner turmoil, and Frankie couldn't help but empathize with the shared uncertainty of their fate.

As they sat there, bound and captive, the emotional currents between them became an unspoken language of fear and unease, a silent acknowledgment of the perilous journey they were involuntarily embarking upon.

Mia and Frankie intertwined their fingers, sharing a glance of understanding just before the plane ascended. 

While worry lurked in the backdrop, Frankie remained steadfast, becoming Mia's anchor in the face of uncertainty. 

Mia marvelled at Frankie's composure, a silent strength that provided a semblance of reassurance. Unbeknownst to Mia, Frankie grappled with her own internal struggles, concealing her vulnerabilities for the sake of her sister. 

As they found a quiet corner within the plane, Mia questioned Frankie's seemingly composed demeanour. 

"How did you handle it so well?" Mia inquired, searching for insight into Frankie's resilience amid the daunting circumstances.

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