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Han grappled with the challenges of being a single parent, a role that increasingly weighed on him, especially in the daily presence of Frankie.

Together, they collaborated at a garage she had helped him establish.

The saying "behind every successful man, there is a woman" held true in their case, as she had been his support for the past twelve years.

Despite being apart, he still harboured deep feelings for her. If she were to express a desire to rekindle their relationship, Han would not hesitate for a moment. She remained the love of his life, and he couldn't fathom finding anyone who could match up to her uniqueness.

Han considered himself fortunate to have a son who didn't engage in rebellion or constant conflicts.

The journey into fatherhood had surprisingly proven to be one of the smoothest transitions he had ever encountered.

As a parent, he navigated uncharted waters, unsure of what kids liked or disliked.

During moments of uncertainty, Han often sought advice from Mia or Brian, relying on their experience to guide him through the nuances of parenting.

Understanding that raising a child was far from a walk in the park, he empathized with Jake on both good and challenging days.

While Jake was a blessing with his understanding nature, Han acknowledged that no child was perfect. Despite occasional struggles, Han found unexpected joy in fatherhood, a sentiment he hadn't anticipated.

Han found solace in co-parenting with Frankie, even though he couldn't deny that life would be simpler if they were a cohesive family residing under the same roof.

The regret over their separation weighed heavily on him, and he shouldered the blame for the fractured state of their relationship.

Reflecting on the past, Han recognized his own culpability in the breakdown of their connection. The wounds were still raw from the day he lost control, expressing his deep hurt and frustration in a way that severed their ties.

The revelation about Jake being alive, though justified for safety reasons, had fueled a conflict he regretted.

Despite Frankie's forgiveness, Han struggled to absolve himself of the guilt stemming from that painful confrontation. In his eyes, he felt undeserving of Frankie for a multitude of reasons, a sentiment that lingered as an unspoken burden in their co-parenting dynamic.

Han, with a renewed determination to be a better partner and devoted parent, threw himself into the bustling world of their shared garage.

His focus on family was unwavering, a commitment he intended to uphold.

As Frankie entered the garage, the rhythmic sounds of tools and the faint scent of motor oil enveloped her.

Han was engrossed in fine-tuning the Nissan Silvia S15, a collaborative project that had occupied their attention for an extended period.

Although the car was technically complete, both mechanics understood the ever-evolving nature of automotive craftsmanship; there was always room for improvement.

The pursuit of the perfect engine was a perpetual journey, each enthusiast harbouring a distinct vision that set their creations apart.

Despite the Nissan's readiness, Frankie hadn't taken it for a spin yet.

Since their relocation to Tokyo, she had abstained from driving, relying on the city's efficient public transport and the proximity of their residence to fulfil their daily needs.

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