𝟒𝟏 🌶️

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They finally got some alone time.

However, Frankie wasn't in the mood to have sex as much as he wanted to. It wasn't something that she had been thinking about when they were together. She was more interested in talking to him and looking at him.

Frankie still couldn't believe that they were together.

She couldn't believe they'd been together this long.

It didn't feel real having Han touch her and kiss her, look at her like she was the only person on the planet. It was all the things she missed. All she wanted was to be with Han and Jake forever, but that was never going to happen.

It wouldn't happen unless she told him the truth and he accepted it.

She wanted Han to accept that Jake was his son, even though she assumed the worst.

Han only ever showed emotion and affection when it came to her.

He knew how to care for her because he was in love with her.

Did that mean he knew how to take care of a child? The minute she tells him about Jake, he'll run and never look back. She wanted to believe that he wouldn't because he was a good guy. He'd always been a good guy.

Children always seemed to change things though.

Han may have done things that were illegal or beyond redemption, but she didn't care.

She's done the same. She had no right to judge him for any of it.

As he ran his fingers through her soft hair, his eyes poured into hers with remorse and guilt flooding them. He felt pain for her.

Why didn't he go with her?

Why didn't he try to follow her?

Why wasn't he there when she needed him the most?

Why was he such a good guy that he gave her the space she asked for because he didn't want to scare her away?

Han still thought that Frankie deserved better than him. He always will.

There were rooms in the warehouse. Not intended for sleeping in, but they made it work with some old cots and couches. Anything they could find. It was one singular cot that they shared. Frankie was skinny enough to fit against Han's body most comfortably.

She wanted to take him back to her place, enough privacy and room for two. She just didn't think it was safe for them to be alone in the favelas with everything that was going on. They could handle themselves, Frankie felt like she would just freeze if someone tried to attack them.

It didn't matter, she was just happy that they were together.

Frankie leaned up, pressing her lips to his cheek which was as soft as a rose petal. When she pulled away from him, he pulled her back and attacked her neck with his lips. Han pressed kisses all over her throat and along her jaw. It made her giggle.

It was like they were teenagers, but in reality, they were pushing thirty.

Han grabbed the back of her knee, pulling her onto his waist so she was straddling him. Frankie pressed her hands against his chest as she shifted her position.

She tilted her head at him when she noticed his eyes soften, asking for the one thing she didn't want without saying anything.


"No," she shook her head with pursed lips.

"I didn't even say..."

"It's written all over your face, Han. Besides, I can also feel it in your pants. You're such a man."

𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐀 𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐒 | HAN LUEUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum