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Nestled in a parking garage adjacent to one of Shaw's hideouts, a formidable assembly of officers and agents, numbering at least a hundred, prepared to deploy their informant for identification and subsequent operation.

Despite the exclusion of the team, they found solace in the vantage point offered by their hidden position.

A lingering sense of scepticism gripped Frankie, a gut feeling that whispered doubts about the mission's success.

The inherent nature of individuals like Owen Shaw suggested the likelihood of a backup plan.

Seated in the car, Frankie clutched a picture of Letty taken a mere week ago, still grappling with the surreal reality that her presumed-dead friend was, in fact, alive.

The weight of guilt intensified with every passing moment as Frankie studied the photograph.

She grappled with the haunting question of why she hadn't taken action when Letty was involved with Braga. The realization that she could have saved Letty, that they might have rescued each other, gnawed at her conscience. Despite their closeness, they remained just out of reach during those tumultuous years.

Letty was more than Dom's girlfriend; she was a significant presence, a big sister to both Frankie and Mia.

The emotional toll on Frankie was profound, the inexplicable circumstances adding to her heartache.

If Letty was alive, the puzzle of her absence from Dom's life left Frankie with unanswered questions.

Was Letty trying to shield him from something?

The enigma of Letty's choices haunted Frankie's thoughts.

The perplexity of the situation eluded Frankie's usual knack for foresight.

Normally adept at anticipating events, such as deducing Brian's identity as a cop, she found herself confounded.

Fenix's admission to killing Letty, staring Dom in the eyes while confessing to wrecking her car, presented an unsettling paradox. The possibility lingered that Fenix might be deceiving them, or perhaps Letty miraculously survived.

Why would Fenix lie, especially when Dom witnessed the crash site firsthand?

Overwhelmed by the mental turmoil, Frankie closed her eyes briefly, a wave of nausea washing over her. Another secret burdened her – the yet-to-be-shared news with Han about her pregnancy, once again.

Leaning against the car's hood, Han indulged in another bag of chips, his gaze shifting back to the woman he cherished.

A sense of helplessness gripped him as he recognized her sombre mood.

Han possessed an intimate understanding of Frankie, knowing her emotional landscape like the back of his hand. The inability to uplift her spirits weighed heavily on him; he felt it was his duty to bring her comfort.

When Frankie opened her eyes, she met his gaze directly.

Taking a deep breath, she gestured for him to join her, silently seeking his company as they waited for events to unfold.

Without hesitation, Han slid into the driver's seat of the car.

Lately, he had taken on much of the driving responsibilities.

Even with their time in Rio encouraging Frankie to be more open to racing, she had retreated into her 'no racing' mindset.

As he closed the car door, Han directed his gaze at her, mindful of the picture she clutched.

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