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The morning sun seeped through the curtains, signalling the start of a new day. They had been travelling all over, with their recent stop in Hong Kong, the place where they had stayed the longest since Rio.

However, it still didn't feel like home.

Frankie was uncertain if she even had a home anymore.

Could she still call LA home?

Was there anything left of the house where she had once grown up?

She longed to reclaim it.

The yard was probably overgrown, and everything inside must have been buried under layers of dust. It was heart-wrenching to think about how her father's hard work had been in vain because of his children.

Frankie rolled over, her eyes fixed on Han as he continued to sleep.

The sunlight streaming in wasn't enough to rouse him from his slumber.

She smiled to herself, grateful that he was the one constant in her life that kept her smiling.

Things had been challenging since Rio, but they were persevering. For the first time in a long while, Frankie felt like she could be happy, even if it didn't seem justified.

Han had become her unwavering support through all the trials. He couldn't even fathom leaving her at this point in their lives. Their love had deepened, and they were more in love now than ever before.

The woman slowly sat up, her hair cascading over her shoulders, having grown much longer since their time in Rio. She desired to regain the length it had been before Fenix had taken it from her.

Leaning closer to Han, she pressed her lips softly against his. He responded with a contented hum, his lips puckering slightly, his eyes remaining closed.

Frankie giggled and continued to shower him with soft, wet kisses along his skin. Just as she was about to pull away, Han gently grabbed the nape of her neck and drew her even closer, their bodies pressed intimately together.

He wouldn't let her get away without responding to her teasing.

Frankie wrapped her arms around him, her smile growing as he kissed her passionately.

She couldn't resist the feeling of contentment about herself and their relationship.

They were going to be just fine.

Spending their morning in sweet kisses and cuddles, rolling around in the sheets, was the perfect way to energize themselves for the day ahead.

Eventually, Han got up and headed for the shower, while Frankie remained in bed, reaching for her phone. It was evening in Spain, and she knew that Jack hadn't gone to bed yet.

Mia's name appeared on the screen, and Frankie decided to call her via video. The call rang a few times before Mia answered, smiling as she held onto her son, Jack, who cooed and giggled while looking at his aunt on the phone screen.

Frankie smiled and greeted, "Hi, my little angel. You're getting so big. I miss you guys."

Mia replied, "Aw, we miss you more, Aunty Bella."

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