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Frankie chose to keep the events of her encounter with Deckard a week before to herself, wary of the repercussions if word reached Han before she was prepared to disclose the truth.

Fortunately, maintaining this secret proved effortless, aided by Deckard's cooperation as he seamlessly reverted to their previous dynamic, as if nothing had transpired between them.

With Deckard never having crossed paths with any of her friends, there was no pressure for introductions now.

His disinterest in acquainting himself with others in her life mirrored her own sentiments; after all, Jake was the primary focus.

In the evenings when Han worked late, the trio found solace in each other's company, relishing the simple joys of their shared moments. Amidst it all, Jake remained blissfully unaware of the unfolding dynamics between his mother and their neighbour, adding a layer of innocence to their interactions.

Tonight, Frankie found herself at the garage, passing the time while awaiting Han's return from his undisclosed activities.

Kai, her longtime friend, kept her company in the familiar surroundings.

It had been too long since they had shared a moment without the presence of Bianca or Kari, and Frankie couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia for their past camaraderie.

Kai had always been one of her closest confidants, yet their interactions had dwindled over time, eclipsed by her responsibilities as a mother.

Despite the passage of time, their bond remained strong, evident in their easy rapport as they caught up on lost time.

One question lingered in Kai's mind, a reminder of Frankie's former life: her involvement in street racing.

Curiosity tinged his words as he inquired about her recent racing endeavours, wondering if she had returned to the adrenaline-fueled world of street races since their last conversation.

He vividly recalled the events of that fateful day, the day when Frankie's struggle with her inner demons reached a critical point, leading her to attempt to take her own life.

In the aftermath, they shared a silence laden with unspoken words, their bond strained by the weight of the unspeakable.

Their relationship, once a pillar of strength, began to unravel, eventually leading him to depart for Tokyo, severing their connection as they drifted apart.

Their silence on the matter persisted in an unspoken agreement to bury the painful memories and move forward.

Even during Frankie's hospitalization, their discussions remained veiled, shielded from the prying eyes of Dom and Mia, who remained oblivious to the depth of her turmoil.

In those darkest moments of her life, Han stood as her silent guardian, offering solace and understanding in a way only he and Kai could comprehend.

As Frankie reminisced on their past, she couldn't help but yearn for the unspoken connection they once shared, a bond that transcended words and spoke volumes in its silence.

The two of them had been toiling away tirelessly, their efforts finally deserving of a well-earned break.

Seated at the table, they indulged in the simple pleasure of sharing a beer and engaging in conversation.

With Jake safely in the care of James for the night, Frankie could relax without the weight of parental responsibilities on her shoulders.

"Chocolate daddies, huh?" Kai's playful remark elicited a defensive gesture from Frankie, who raised her hands in mock surrender.

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