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The last two weeks have been exciting for the girl who made a new friend. Frankie and Brian have been meeting up almost every day, seeing James and being good friends.

It was nice to have someone to talk to outside her family.

She and Brian could talk for hours without stopping.

No awkward silence or feelings of shyness, which is what she normally did when meeting someone new. It felt so natural to be around him and have the man in her life as someone she could look up to.

Honestly, he looked up to her more than she did to him.

She would never tell him this, but the reason behind her being so kind to him was that he reminded her of Jakob.

When Frankie was born Jakob held her first out of their siblings, according to their father she made a connection with him because she smiled. Frankie was a chubby baby that never smiled, only ever when she was around Jakob.

He took care of her, he brushed her hair, he taught her how to ride a bike, he read her stories, amongst everything else a big brother should do.

And he never made her cry.

He was always there to wipe her tears and comfort her if she was upset.

Frankie remembers him always being with her when their father died. There was never a moment when they weren't together around that time.

Anywhere Jakob went, she wanted to be.

Now she couldn't be near him anymore.

It was slowly breaking her heart into pieces, forcing her to find Jakob in Brian. Forced her to find a real male adult figure in her life because the three she had weren't of use to her anymore. Especially Dom, who was here but never present in her life.

After he came out of prison he was distant.

The night Jakob left was the last night Dom ever comforted his sister. He never showed emotion towards Frankie. It made her feel as if everything wrong in their lives was her fault.

She would constantly cry about it. Soak her pillow to the point where she had to hang it outside to dry.

The girl hated how her family was so broken. But it wasn't her job to fix it. Frankie knew that she just had to keep moving forward until she was finally in a place she worked so hard to be in.

Since it was her vacation, she decided to sleep in and not wake up when her alarm told her to.

It felt nice to sleep in and not worry about going to class.

Frankie was never late for class.

Her professors were so impressed with her ambition and motivation.

So she deserved to be lazy every once in a while.

Even though James had given Frankie his car, she didn't have any use for it right now. She was okay with taking the bus and walking around.

She was used to it.

She did it every day.

When she woke up, she realised that she was late and needed to get ready quickly. Brian was supposed to meet her at the café so they could hang out again.

The girl was in a pair of dark green trousers, a striped midriff, and one of her father's work shirts that she wore constantly without fail. She pulled her long and thick locks into a half-up half-down look that would be ideal for today since it was really warm.

She shoved her feet into her Converse and grabbed her bag, adding her rings to her fingers before leaving the house.

She didn't even realise the house was empty as she locked it up.

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