now know the reason

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Darting there eyes, the leader watched rain and payu have sex like rabbits to then turn to eye forward.
So is this the reason why rain you didn't want to get into a relationship with ruzie?
The leader raised an eye brow to then look to the side has other cooker were trying to go in, the leader turned them about to then have them talk.
Cumming into rains right ass, rain hung his head to take in deep breathes has he came to the floor.
Payu slowly took his length out to watch rain shutter to then smile and wide.
He then got up to retrieve towels to go to rain to help him up to go to the floor to pick up the mess, rain fixed himself to eye over payu to shake his head.
"What the hell payu! We could have gotten caught."
Payu shrugged to get up to then turn to go and throw that towel away to turn back to eye over rain.
"But we didn't, did we?"
Rain rolled his eyes to turn to eye the bowl they had mixed.
"Not the point payu. This can't keep happening. Eventually someone is going to catch us. Then what!"
Payu Stepped to rain to eye over him.
"I don't care if we get caught."
Rain turned his head to look over payu to see how serious he was.
"Mm... Then let's go to the leader and.... Say we're dating."
Payu parted his lips to then hang his head a bit to look down, rain eyed over that to then scoff to turn his head to look forward.
"That's what I thought. Just.... Leave me alone payu "
Rain went about payu to be stopped to his side to then eye down to see his hand to his wrist.
"The.... Gem room...... Tonight?"
Rain took his hand away to leave in anger.
"Use your hand!"
Payu gritted his teeth to place his hands to his neck to rub to then eye up to shake his head.
Leading the two cooks off for a moment, the leader had them leave to go to his own little space to sit to the floor to move his head to the side to think about what he saw.
After a few moments, he looked up to see his second in command come in to turn to shut the curtains to turn to go to the leader to eye over him has he sat down right across.
Marka took in a deep breathe to then eye down.
"Think..... We need to place in some more rules."
The second in command raised his eye brow.
Marka moved forward to place his hand to his second in command to press his mouth to his, his second in demand widened there eyes to then place there hands to his chest to push him away.
"What the hell!"
Marka rolled his eyes to look down.
"Still acting like that I see. So sick of this suta."
Suta made a face to then eye down.
"I.... Don't know what your talking about."
Marka eyed up.
"Going to keep pretending like we haven't..."
Suta went to Marka to place a hand to his mouth to look at him in a bit of anger.
"Shup up!"
Marka rolled his eyes to place his hand to sutas wrist to move it away to then get up to stand with his back to him, hand to his mouth.
Suta looked up to then get up.
"It..... Was an accident.... And..."
Marka widened his eyes to then look to suta.
"Excuse me!?"
Suta looked down with a face.
"We...... It should've have happened."
Marka wrapped his arms about.
"Mm... Which time?"
Suta turned his head to eye the floor.
"Mm... Every.... Time?"
Marka narrowed his eyes to turn his head to look to the wall..
"Fuck off suta."
Suta looked over marka to sign.
"No, we need to talk, you said anything about the rules and...."
Marka stepped to suta to place his hand to his collar to grip to eye over him with a stern face.
"When I tell you to Fuck off I mean it!"
Suta looked over Marka for him to then let him go to turn to eye over the wall to think about the situation he was in with suta and what he saw earlier.
Suta made a hard face to look to the curtain to then look back to Marka to step slowly forward.
"This..... Isn't what usually follows after you...."
Marka signed to turn to look over suta.
"I know your a bit of a...... But I'm not going to do anything to you, not after what you just said. Now Fuck off suta!"
Suta made a hard face to look to the floor.
"It's in your own rules for no gay partners Marka."
"That's another reason why I would like to change the rules. That rule happened before us and when there weren't so many women here, if every one turned gay then how could we keep the human race going? But now we're finding a lot of woman left, so this rule doesn't need to happen anymore. I want to change it "
Suta looked to Marka.
"What if I'm not ready for that?"
Marka shrugged.
"Guess your not ready. Suta, you really need to go "
Suta looked over Marka to slowly go to him to raise an eye brow.
"Make me."
Marka narrowed his eyes to step to suta to place a hand to his head to grip his hair to take them back to the wall, suta curled his bottom lip inward to bite into it, this turned him on, Marka looked over his face to see that.
"Such a....."
Marka rolled his eyes to then shove suta down to take out his cock to slap him in the face with it for suta to then down. Marka moved his head back to look over the ceiling to take in deep moans.
We are going to have to change that rule, not fair to us, not fair for rain and payu and other gay couples I have seen here.
Marka thrusted his cock in and deep to move suta about to make hard and nasty love to him.

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