life is about surviving

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To The spare bedroom, rain was going through all his things to make sure he was prepared for when he needed to venture out again, placing down the mixture that needed to foam up a bit, he then placed his knees to his chest to wrap his arms about to eye over it to take in a bit of a breathe.
He then turned his head to look to his guns that were to the wall.
Not this time, but I need to go to the weapon store to stock up again after I gather my food. I'm running low on bullets and a few hand guns.
Rain then turned his head back to look down to see the mixture was finally done, he then sat criss cross to then place the cap on to shake up the mixture to look forward to feel rather bored.
Signing, he then placed the bottle down to then get up to start to walk about his place, he placed his hands to the back of his head to look about.
What is it I can do? It's the hours I have to be quiet but......
Rain stopped to eye the side to look at different board games to then sign. They all needed more then one player and rain was tired of being two people at once.
He then started to look about his place to see if he needed to clean anything however everything was very well organized and very detailed clean.
Rain made a face to then drop slowly to the floor to lay to his back to look to the ceiling.
There is literally nothing to do.......
Mom..... Dad...... Why did you tell me to keep surviving? Maybe they thought there would be a different outcome then this? This is why you two shouldn't have....
Rain then went to is side to bring his knees to himself to hold to then have his whole body shutter has he went through a anixety attack.
No! Don't think about it! Don't let your nightmare come back into reality! Just don't!
Rain took in very deep breathes to do a few grounding excerises he found out in books.
He then loosened his grip upon himself to then slowly to go to his back to look about to shake his head.
To much time to myself.......I can't stop thinking..... About.....
Rain shook his head to then sit up to eye about.
There has to be something I can do!
Rain then got up to slowly go to the window to move that one little spot to eye about.
There were bugs everywhere, they were flying about, fighting, eating the other, rain looked to the ground to eye the movable plants and aliens to sign.
Wish you all would just die!
Rain then placed the cover back to then go to the couch to lay down to place a hand to his forehead.
There just has to be something I can do in here today? I know this is one of there busy days but.......ugh! Fuck! I really don't know what to do! My place is clean, all my chores are done, went through all my equipment, read every book in this place, just ate, can't watch anything, can't play anything, have to be quiet!
Rain signed to then go to his side to shake his head has he looked to his coffee table.
What can I do?
Rain then slowly got up to then walk around again to eye around everywhere.
There really isn't a damn thing to do in here.
Rain then went to his bedroom to flop to the bed to place his head to the side to make quite the disgruntled face.
After a bit his eyes started to close for him to take in deep breathes.
To his mind, that one nightmare played through, the night it happened. Then his parents being to the roof to watch it from down below, when things really started to happen, to be holding hands, to have tears in there eyes.
Rain breathed heavily has he was far from them to be eyeing.
They both turned there heads to look over rain.
"Always remember we love you." His mother wept.
His father took in a very deep breathe.
"Survive this my son."
Rain started to pant to run to his parents, waking in a cold sweat, he then moved his head up to start to hear screaming and bad noises, he then curled himself inward to place his hands to his ears.
He knew it must be raining, those things hated the rain, water hurt them all very badly.
Upon a few hours, rain slowly took his hands away to then get up to go to that window to open it to look about, aliens, bugs and the plants were everywhere but fewer in number to be going slowly about, rain then darted his eyes to then move away fast to close that hole, he saw a alien was going to look up.
Rain took in a deep breathe to then go to his closet to then set up a few things in front of his door just in case, he then sat before those things to then have a gun to his lap to wait.
After two hours, rain needed to use the bathroom and need to eat.
Signing, he then got up to do both to then go back to sit in front of the door to eat his food with his gun to his lap.
Don't think that alien saw me.
Rain took in a deep breathe to eat the remainder of his food to then flop to his back to place his hand gun to the side to look about.
Maybe I should go on a killing spree next time it rains? Mmm.... But they all come into the buildings, I wouldn't be able to make it outside to do that....
Rain made a face to dart his eyes about his ceiling has he let his mind start to go on different things, he needed to keep himself occupied during the loneliness and boredom.

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