so confused

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To a wall, rain had his body to it, to be looking forward to be taking in deep breathes to have a cup to his hands to then start to chew at his inner cheek has he thought.
Finally finding him, Samuel went about to then sit next to him to look rain over.
"There you are, haven't been able to find you in the last few days."
Rain made a hard face to turn his head to look to the side, Samuel eyed that to sign.
"Rain.... Please talk to me."
Rain kept his mouth shut.
"Why do you seem to care that I like payu? Are you gay? Do you...."
Rain turned his head to look over Samuel.
"I'm not gay mm!"
Samuel went to rain to place his hand over his mouth to dart his eyes over him to then look about.
Rain rolled his eyes to place his cup down to then remove his hand to then look him over.
"Why do you like payu? Know he isn't gay right?"
Samuel made a face to look down.
"Don't know about that, I heard rumors."
"Well he's not!"
Samuel looked to rain to raise an eye brow.
"How.... Do you know if he is or not?"
Rain started to breathe heavily to then wrap his arms about himself to peer his eyes down.
"Don't you like anyone else?"
"No. Rain..... I'm so confused with you right now."
"What does it matter to you if I like payu or not?"
Rain gulped.
"We've..... Been through....a few things.... With a girl and..... Became friends..... That's why I know he's not gay "
Samuel signed to then bring up a hang to his neck to rub.
"Maybe he's like me and covered the fact he is gay with this girl, I heard this about that two, seemed like you two were fighting over her but then you two....."
Samuel widened his eyes to really look over rain.
"Rain..... Are you and payu?"
Rain looked immediately at Samuel to then get up to stand right in front of him looking at him in anger.
"There is nothing but friendship between me and payu! I'm so sick of this! Nothing is going on between us!"
Samuel and rain turned there heads for rain to part his lips, payu rounded the corner after he heard rain to hear all of that to make a face has he eyed over rain.
Samuel looked between them to then hang his head, he wasn't stupid.
Payu shook his head to then turn to leave, without missing a beat, rain went right after him.
Samuel watched that to sign.
Rain followed payu and fast.
Payu kept his head hung to go even faster, rain kept up with him.
The two kept walking and quick, rain then placed his hand to payus wrist to stop him to eye over him to breathe and hard.
Payu breathed heavily to grit his teeth.
"Let.... Me.... Go!"
Rains whole body shivered to then eye the action.
Why am I doing any of this? Payu will never love you, his heart belongs to....
Rains chin started to quiver to let payu go to then turn to start to leave, payu turned after looking about, to see they were alone to stare at rains back.
"You have to be fucking with me! You have no right to be mad!"
Rain stopped to eye the ground.
"I'm not..... Just letting you go....."
Payu widened his eyes to step to rain to then shove, he was seeing red, his nice and calm behavior was pushed to it's limit, rain turned to eye over him.
"What the..."
"Exactly my point! What was what we did a few days ago to where you then went to ignore me, just using me to what I just over heard! You have no right to treat me like this!"
Rain really looked over payu..
"You have had no right to treat me the way you have payu, you and I..... Are nothing but toxic to the other, were.... Done. Stay away from me."
Payu darted his eyes to see rain turn to then go to him to grab him by his wrist to pull him to somewhere secluded to shove rain to the wall, to place his mouth to his neck to kiss to start to move his hands about his body.
Rain kept his hands to payus broad chest to try and push him away to no avail.
"Payu! Stop! I said stop!"
Payu kept kissing rains neck to place his hands inside his shorts and boxers, to then start to play with his long length that was already rock hard, rain lifted his head up a bit to curl his bottom lip to his mouth to quietly moan to move his hands to payus shoulders to grip.
Payu went to rains ear.
"Seems this doesn't want me to stop."
Rain moved his head slightly to the side.
Payu darkly chuckled to remain to his ear.
"Maybe I am, but so are you rain, you know what, you really want me to stop? I'll stop. I'm going to stop touching you and move away, if you want me, then turn around."
Payu let rains length go to step back to look over rain to give him a choice.
Rain looked over payu to breathe and hard to look over him, to then take a step forward to make a very hard face, payu then slowly wrapped his arms about himself.
"You leave, we will be done, I will not ever touch you again, guarantee you that!"
Rains whole body shivered has he looked over payus serious face to then take in a deep breathe to take another step forward to then turn to place himself to the wall to place his forehead to it to look down with a hardened face.
Payu raised an eye brow to then go to rain to wrap his arms about to place his fingers through his has rains hands were to the wall to go to his ear once more.
"You.... Want me?"
Rain signed.
"I..... Hate..... You!"
"Mm... Sure."
Payu then took a hand to lower rains shorts and boxers to then take out his cock to thrust his way in for rain to turn his head for the two to go into a deep kiss, Samuel who had followed them looked over this to feel his heart fall to then turn about to place his body to the wall to sign and hard.
Knew it!
Samuel then pushed himself off to leave has payu and rain made very sensual love.

ruined, but is it? Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora