taking care

186 17 23

To his bed, rain couldn't stop twitching, when he went into the shower, he had to pour his own mixture to his body to make sure there was nothing the plant could have placed to him, if even one strand of the plant was to his body, it could track him.
Rain turned his head to keep twitching to sign.
He then slowly got up, to go about to stumble to then head to the living room to breathe heavily.
Rain eyed his fire place, to then go slowly to it to shut it off to grab a mixture of things to the side to then pour it over the ashes of his clothes, he was very careful.
Placing the bottle down, he looked at his chard clothing to then keep the fire going a bit longer, he then turned to stumble his way to the couch to then lay to look up.
I hate those stupid plants! There always trying to get to me.......ugh!
Rain then turned to his side to look to the television to eye about, he then peered his eyes up to his clock, it wasent time for him to have any noise at that moment.
Rain rolled his eyes to then close them.
I need to start killing more plants, bugs and aliens again. Need to de crease there population a bit, has they did to mine.
Rain signed to start to fall under, he then tensed, peered his eyes down he heard a noise to his door, gulping, rain then got up to go slowly about to then go to the clost to grab his hand gun to place to the door to then look through the hole in which he uncovered.
Darting his eyes, he couldn't see anything, he then froze, looking about he saw one of those aliens, they big, nasty, ugly, purple ones. They were the takers, they would grab the humans just to deliver them to one of those plants.
The alien sniffed about slowly to then narrow it's eyes, looking down it couldn't really smell a human.
Making a horrible noise it then turned to leave rather quick.
Rain watched it go to slowly go away from his door, to then go slowly and very quietly to his couch to then lay back down to his back to have the gun to his body to shake his head.
That had been happening a bit, but not frequently.
Think they are trying to find more humans......mmm......
Rain signed to then lay his arm limply to the side to have his gun in his hands to continue to look up.
I hate what these fucked up things have done to my world! Why did they have to come!
Rain took in a very deep breathe to then peer his eyes down to place his free hand to his stomach to caress, he was hungry.
Moving slowly up, he twitched a bit to then go to the kitchen to place his gun to the counter quietly to then start on something to eat, after he was sitting to his dining room table to look over the weather and the calendar, he would have to venture further next month to gather more food.
Rain then turned his head to while a bit has he looked at his plants, they had tomatoes, strawberries things like that, but rain knew he needed more.
Turning his head he looked down to make a face.
Eventually I am going to have to leave my house, find somewhere closer to these places so I don't have to travel such a distance.
Rain shrugged to then place his spoon to the empty bowl, to then get up to bring up his sell to eye his watch.
He then went to the couch to lay down to his side to turn on the television to a very low setting to then watch a movie.
Rain placed his hands under his head to watch the different people to become very sad, he really wanted a friend, wanted to be around people, wanted a lover.
Rain signed and hard.
You are probably the only human left on this earth........ Also why do I want a girlfriend? Get her pregnant then we have to really fight to have our child survive this world?
Rain shook his head has he started to talk to himself.
You need to just be alone.
Rain then turned to his back to place his hands to his stomach to then start to chew at his inner cheek, peering his eyes down he looked about to then turn his head towards the television.
Should I?
Rain took in a deep breathe to then move his hand to the remote to turn it to a channel that was constantly porn.
He then placed the remote down to then slowly take his hands into his boxers to then start to play with himself has he watched in almost silence two people having sex.
Rain then bit into his bottom lip to withdraw his member to start to really stroke at his cock to start to breathe heavily.
He then placed a hand to his mouth, knowing he couldn't really be too loud.
Rain then squeezed his eyes tightly shut has he started to stroke himself harder, lifting his head back, he bucked his body to then cum all over his hand.
Rain then took his other hand away from his mouth to have it fall to the side to look over the ceiling to gulp.
I really wish....... Those fucking things didn't come here...... I'm 22 and never ever had a girlfriend..... Never ever...... Even been.....
Rain closed his eyes to then let the tears fall. Everyday was a world of misery for him, the only reason why he kept surviving was because his parents told him to, and he never ever went against anything they told him to do.
Rain took in a deep breathe to use his free hand to then whip away his tears to then get slowly up to then go to the sink to wash his hands to sign.
What is the point of surviving when you're the only one left alive?
Rains face started to fall has he thought about that and hard.

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