big surprise

125 13 18

Swirling his food about, looking down, rain had his hand to his head to dart his eyes about to chew at his inner cheek.
Payu then got up from the couch after he ate his dinner to then go to the sink to then start on the dishes to eye down to shake his head. After what happened in the weapon room, rain told payu to stay away from him if he wanted to stay in his home and also it had grown very quiet and tense between them.
Rain took in a deep breathe to then get up with his finished food to go to the sink to then place the dish to eye it.
"I'm..... Going to get ready for bed..... I'm taking the couch tonight....."
Payu widened his eyes to then turn his head to look over rain who had his head hung to then turn to go to his bedroom.
Payu raised an eye brow.
"You really don't need to do that. That's your bedroom and...."
Rain signed to keep continuing to go forward.
"I'm taking the couch you the bed."
Payu shrugged to then turn his head to eye down to do rains dish.
To the locked bathroom, rain kept his head hung to have his hands to either counter to take in deep breathes.
Should I....... When I have this gay man here?
Rain then turned to place his back to the sinks counter to then wrap his arms about himself to eye the ground.
I can only do this at 2am anyways when those things are asleep, he should be too. I haven't since I've been healing. I really want to.
Rain took in a very deep breathe to turn to eye himself about.
He'll be asleep. Don't need to worry.
Rain gritted his teeth a bit.
Done after some time, rain went about to be fully dressed to go to the living room, payu was sitting to the dining room to have his head down to be reading a book.
Rain flexed his jaw to then step closer.
"I'm ready to go to sleep."
Payu nodded.
Rain turned his head to eye his clock that was too the wall to see it was 11pm at night, he then looked back to payu who kept reading.
"You need to go to bed then too."
"I will in a bit."
"Payu.....I do not want to sleep with you about, can you read this in the bed?"
Payu slowly looked up.
"Don't see why I can't. However I stay up for a bit longer and...."
"Payu..... Go to bed."
Payu then widened his brow to then watch rain go to the couch to then start to lay down, shrugging he then grabbed the book to then go forth a bit confused with why he needed to go there and now.
Rain then looked to payu going into the bedroom, to then close the door, to then lift his head up to then eye over the clock.
Just 3 hours.
Rain then shuffled about to get comfortable.
Has the 3 hours went pretty quick, rain moved the blanket up to then reach for the remote to then turn on the television to place on the adult channel, to have the noises go so very quietly, to then dart his eyes about, he then peered his eyes to the back of the door, to then take in a deep breathe to then slowly take down his hand to then place it into his boxers to then start to stroke at his member.
Yawning, payu to his stomach, peered his eyes to the side to eye the clock that was too the side table, that read 2, to then turn to his back to be on the side of the book to then stretch.
Moving slowly up, payu darted his tired eyes to then slowly get off the very comfortable bed to then start to go very quietly about, he was wanting something to eat before he went to sleep.
Going to the door, he then very slowly opened it, for he didn't want to wake up rain, to then stop to widened his eyes, moving his head out a bit he then looked to see rain laying to the couch to be breathing heavily to be doing something under the blanket, payu then peered his eyes to the side of him a bit to then really listen to hear very soft moaning.
Payu parted his lips to then move his head back in to then close the door to then place his body to it to look forward.
Is he..... Is he...... Masterbating?
Payu scoffed to then lightly chuckle.
Interesting...... He doesn't like gay men however he will do such a thing with one under his roof. Mm..... Guess We all need to relieve our stress in this type of situation.....
Payu darted his eyes to then make a face, he then turned his head to raise an eye brow. Should I.....
Payu shook his head to then go to the bathroom.
Even though he has been kind of mean to me given my sexual orientation he has also let me stay here, I don't need to rock the boat here.
Signing, payu then went to the bathroom to then relieve himself to then widen his eyes has he took out his member to eye over it.
Payu then lifted his head back to then look to the ceiling to then shake his head.
Your only hard because you have not had sex since your fiance and you know what rain is up to. That's all this is.
Payu took in a deep breathe to relieve himself while having a hard on, which was very difficult, to then get ready for bed, to be laying down to it on his back to eye over the ceiling to then turn his head to eye the back of the door to start to breathe heavily.
He then squeezed his eyes tightly shut to then take a hand down to then take out his member to start to stroke of has well. Payu couldn't get what rain was doing out of his head.
Payus body bucked to then lift his head back to keep at it to place his hand over his mouth to go faster.
In the living room, rain curled his lips to then tense his body to cum, to then take long breathes to turn off the television to start to shuffle about to then place his hands above the blanket to be too his back to start to go under not to know what payu saw and what he was too be up to.

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