feeling bad

119 13 16

The next morning, payu was sitting to the ground, to have his back to the couch, to have a leg bend up, to have his wrist to lay to his knee, to dart his eyes over a movie on the television to also read the subtitles, to take in deep breathes, payu hadent seen a movie in 6 years.
Turning his head a bit, payu watched rain come out, to then stand in front of him mumbling has he eyed the paper.
Payu took in a very deep breathe in has he eyed over rain.
"I..... Believe this will do for now."
Rain then handed the paper to payu who moved up to grab to then bring it to him to read it over, other then rules to the home, there were also rules to live by with those things out there.
Rain wrapped his arms about himself to eye over payu, to still be amazed there was another human being in his place.
Payu nodded to then look up at rain..
"I will make sure to follow every rule. Um......I was curious about one thing."
Rain narrowed his eyes.
"What is that?"
Payu then got up to eye over rain.
"You really didn't need to place in the rules for me not to kill you and not to rape you."
Rain took in a deep breathe.
"Covering all my bases."
"Mm.... Well.... Is this a contract or something? Do you want me to sign it?"
"No.... Just follow every one, you break one I'm kicking you out."
Payu made a face to nod to then take a step forward, rain darted his eyes to take a step back.
"Payu...."he said slowly.
"I was also curious about another thing."
Rain raised an eye brow.
"Do you have a working washer and dryer?"
Rain looked over payu.
"I do, however you can't do laundry until 2am to 4am. That's when they sleep."
Payu nodded he then turned with the paper to go about the couch to then go to the table to place it upon, rain looked to that to then eye his retreating back that went to the kitchen.
"What are you doing now?"
"Making lunch. Then how about we play a game."
Rain looked payu up and down to go about the couch.
"What game?"
Rain went to him to stand near the kitchen counter a bit away from payu.
"I don't know which one. You have quite a few."
"Well..... You chose last time...."
Rain turned to then go to his shelve to eye about. Payu turned his head to eye to then look about the cabinets to smile.
A bit later, rain laid to his side to see a hand to his head to watch has payu moved about, he then made a face.
"Um..... Can I ask you a question?"
Payu darted his eyes about.
"I'm going to win rain, I never lose at monopoly." He snickered.
Rain took in a deep breathe.
"How do you know your.... Gay?"
Payu raised an eye brow.
"I've known since I first kiss a boy. Was when I was 12, just messing around."
"Have you've tried to be straight?"
"That's more then one question. Also your turn."
Rain rolled his eyes to then grab the dice to then roll to start to move his piece.
"You said....I can ask you anything."
Payu signed a bit.
"Rain, I have always known I was gay, then I kissed a boy, eventually had sex, I like men."
"Have you've ever been with a girl? Maybe...."
"Rain....... Please stop." Payu signed.
Rain looked up to payu to look over his disgruntled face.
"Well.... How do you know if you're really gay and...."
Rain looked to payu who eyed him a bit mad.
Rain then rolled his eyes to then get up to head to his room.
Payu hung his head to sway back and forth.
"My parents......"
Rain stopped before his door to then slightly turn his head.
"They didn't understand why I was...... They kicked me out when I was 15, when I had my first secert boyfriend...... They then forced me to.....one of those places to convert me into being straight. You have no idea what those places do to you. That's when I met my....... Boyfriend who I turned into my fiance...... I'm gay rain, please just let it go."
Rain darted his eyes to then make a sullen face he then turned to go back to sit down to look over the table.
"Mm....I think you need to look at that thing behind you."
Payu slowly looked up to eye rain who eyed down a bit confused to then turn his head to widen his eyes, he then snapped his head back to look over the board that flipped over.
"Oh no..... Guess we have to restart."
Payu couldn't help but to laugh a bit .
"I was winning."
"Ah.....I don't think so. Eh, let's try again."
Payu rolled his eyes to then turn the board over with rain to then start to place the pieces back.
"I've..... Heard of those places and what they do..... I'm...... So sorry you had to go through that. But..... Looks to have been a slight blissing if you think about it."
Payu looked to rain.
"How do you..."
Rain looked to payu.
"If you...... Weren't there..... You would never had met your......"
Payu darted eyes over rain to then look down.
Rain looked down to take in a deep breathe .
"What.... What was his name?"
Payu took in a deep breathe.
"Dargo farnita. Mm..... I'm getting tired."
Rain nodded.
"You can go and get ready for bed, I can put all this away."
Payu nodded to then get up slowly to then stand to eye about.
"Can I....... Take a shower?"
"Go right ahead."
Payu turned to then go to the shower.
Rain took in a deep breathe to then place the board game away to make a face over it to then rush to the shower, he was trying to catch payu before so he could give him his new clothes.
Going to the door, he parted his lips to then look down, the door was slightly open to be able to see in to see payu near the bathroom door to have his forehead to it to be quietly sobbing.
Rain then turned to slowly close that door to place his body to it to look forward feeling like a piece of shit. He then hung his head to place his fingers to the bridge of his nose to pinch to shake his head.
I'm..... Sorry payu...... So sorry......

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