who are you?

168 14 13

After a few days, rain was gathering his strength with the help of this guy he knew nothing about, to then wake up a week later, to take in a very deep breathe, smacking his lips, he then slowly got up to eye about.
Groaning a bit he then slowly moved off the bed to stumble to the door frame to place his body to it, to look down to see this other with his body to the floor to be doing sit ups.
Rain took in a very deep breathe to wrap his arms about to clear his throat.
They stopped up to then turn they're head to eye rain.
"Your awake "
Rain nodded.
"Mm.... Where is my..... Um...."
"Your gun is on the table."
Rain took in a very big breathe to then eye, they looked to him to then get slowly up.
"Are you..... Hungry?"
Rain looked back to then to nod.
They smiled to then grab a hair tie from there wrist to then place up a bit of there hair to then turn to go to the kitchen.
Rain watched them to then stumble to the table to sit to a chair to then eye the gun.
They turned on the water to lightly chuckle.
"Your place amazes me. How do you have functional water?"
"My father........ He rigged something, same goes for my electricity."
"Amazing man."
Rains chin started to quiver.
"He.... Was...."
The other parted there lips at his tone to then take in a very deep breathe to then plate the food to go to the table.
"So..... We have not been properly introduced. "
"My name is payu, and yours?"
Rain turned his head to look down.
Payu nodded.
Rain then darted his eyes to then slowly look up.
"I..... Have some questions."
Payu looked to him to nod.
"Understandable. Ask anything."
Rain took in a very deep breathe.
"How do you know where I live?"
Payu made a face.
"Been following you for months."
Rains lips parted, he then grabbed his gun to then point it at payu.
Payu rolled his eyes.
"Joke......I was holed up in that grocery store, hearing screams, I went out and found you. You also had a wallet for me to find out your address."
Rain narrowed his eyes to then slowly place the gun down to keep his hand to it.
"How did you get me here before night fall?"
"I didn't. We had to make stops. I didn't know if you were going to live or not after what happened. However, knowing how sick you were, thought it would be best for you to be where you needed to be."
Rain made a face to then widen his eyes to snap his head to the side.
Payu looked over him.
"There..... Are things I do before and after I leave my place so they....."
"I went though your bag. When I got you here, seeing how clean your hallway was, I put two to two together."
Rain took in a deep breathe to then look over this other.
Payu eyed over rain to then look down .
"You need to eat "
"I.... Have more questions. Are there any more...."
Payu slowly looked down to shake his head.
"No...... I've been alone for the last 4 years..... Didn't think there were anyone left."
Rain made a face to look down.
"I've been alone since it semi happened......6 years ago."
Payu slowly looked up.
"Rain? Can I ask you some questions?"
Rain looked up.
"I guess."
"How old are you?"
Rain raised an eye brow to be confused by that.
"Um.....22, you?"
"25. How have you've been able to survive here?"
"Well, with running water, my plants, going out when I need to get food and supplies..... I've also followed strict rules. What about you?"
"I've hopped place to place. Been staying at grocery stores and labs to create things so if one of those bastards bite me, I wouldn't be placed under, made something that if they bite me they die."
Rains lips parted to move a bit closer.
"Really? How does that work?"
"I won't tell you specifics because...."
Rain raised an eye brow.
"Well..... Even though we don't know the other...... Since it seems were the only people alive.....I was hoping you would let me stay."
Rain made a hard face to then look down to pick up a fork to swirl about.
"I...... Don't think that would be a good idea."
Payus face fell.
"Why not?"
"When it first happened.........I had people try to get in here, some wouldn't leave. There was a lot of fighting and....."
"Well, I'm not people, just one person. I.... Did save your life."
Rain signed to slowly look up.
"To stay here I see. Wasent for my benefit."
Payu signed.
"Rain..... Aren't you tired of being alone?"
Rain flexed his jaw to then eye down.
"Don't use under handed tactics like that."
"I'm not trying to. Look i understand what you are talking about but...... Two people are better then one though in this instance."
Yeah, until something happens and you want to stay here all by yourself given I have running water and electricity.
"I...... Don't know....."
Payu tilted his head to he side to eye rain who looked back down.
"Can you..... At least think about it?"
Rain made a face.
"I really don't know about this."
Payu darted his eyes over rain to then turn his head to find something to distract him with this line of thinking.
His eyes widened has he saw shelves with board games, rain then looked up to watch him go about to then see him grab a game, to turn to go back to place it to the table to eye.
"This is one thing you can't do with just one person, even says on the box. Let's play a game."
Rain darted his eyes over payu opening the box to take out the game to then look over him.
This is a very weird guy....... However......
Rain then started to help him take out the pieces to enjoy not to be alone for the moment.

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