I run ahead, jumping onto Evans's back when I spot him standing in the room, making him stumble forward a little before laughing as I stick my head over his shoulder so he can see me. Since my fever, he and I have hung out a lot and it's fun, he is really silly. "Mama said I have to come to say bye" I groan, waving at Hemsworth who is laughing at us while he makes a protein shake. "Are you off already?" He asks, making me nod as I hug him before slipping off his back and hugging Hemsworth. "She says the flight leaves soon and if we are late I have to do extra reading while we are on the flight" I complain, already unhappy about the book Mama insisted I put in my backpack. "Well that just won't do, we better get these goodbyes on the road then" Hemsworth declares, scooping me up as we walk around the green room so I can say bye to everyone.

"SNAIL" I yell as I make it to the car park, spotting Flo and Lizzie talking to Mama who had left the green room five minutes ago to pack the rental car. "SQUIRT" she yells back, ditching her boring adult talk as she ran over to me, making me laugh as I met her halfway, the two of us doing our secret handshake as soon as we met in the middle. "What about me? Am I not cool too?" Another voice spoke, making me look away from Flo as I turned to hug Lizzie, which earnt me a laugh. "Mama says I have to read on the plane before I can watch my movie" I groaned to her, Lizzie has been helping the most with my reading and writing because she has what seems like unlimited patience when it comes to helping me, and while Mama has the same I get irritated quicker when she tries because I feel like I am disappointing Mama when I make a mistake, whereas I don't feel like that when I'm with Lizzie. "Really? That is so mean of her" Lizzie huffed, although I know she didn't mean it, she was smiling at Mama over my shoulder as if I couldn't see her. Hello, I am pretty much a trained spy, how dumb do they think I am?

I just huffed, moving to go back to Flo, but Lizzie stopped me, pulling me into another quick hug. "Just read her a chapter and then I'm sure she will let you do whatever you want to," she tells me with a smile, before quickly adding "within reason" since she knew that sometimes I can be a little wild, which may or may not be true. It is true. "Fine" I huff, making sure that all three adults can tell I am unhappy about this outcome. "Good, when I see you next I want to hear all about the progress you have made" Lizzie coos, giving me a soft smile before realising me because Mama was tapping her foot impatiently, she is really in a rush today. I think secretly she is nervous about going back to New York, just like me.

"Bye Snail, bye Lizzie, see you soon" I wave, Mama pushing me into the back of the car while the other two laugh, making me smile as I roll the window down as Mama gets in. "BYE!" I yell as we leave the car park, apparently, they all have to stay today to film some stuff, unlike Mama and me who are done. I kept waving until I couldn't see them anymore and then shifted my attention to how my hand felt against the wind, moving my arm up and down like a wave while Mama drove. At least I did until Mama stopped at a red and turned to me with a slight frown. "Can you keep your hand inside the ar please baby? It's dangerous" she asks softly, making me grumble as I shook my head "danger is my middle name" I tried to joke back, but it fell flat as Mama shook her head. Since I got sick after my stunts Mama has been even more protective of me. "Fine" I huff pulling my hand back into the car, frowning when Mama rolled up my window before I could stick my head out there.

I just grumbled, before moving to watch my legs as I swing them back and forth. "Do you want a fidget, baby?" Mama offers, making me look up, meeting her eyes in the mirror as I shook my head. "No thank you" I dismissed, tapping my fingers over my thighs as I swung my legs. Mama has been trying me out with different fidget toys lately and so far I hate them all. Ok, that is dramatic. When it's just Mama and me in the trailer they aren't awful but I hate the way people look at me funny when I use them outside of the trailer, the cast never does but some of the crew do and I don't like it. I don't like them looking at me at all really. Most of the crew always looks at me weirdly when it's just me, sometimes it's a look of pity because they know about Daddy and the team and others it's like they are studying me like an animal at the zoo. Either way, I am not fond of it, so adding a fidget to the mix doesn't help me. Because of that, I don't like using them at all, cause I don't want to get used to having one when it's just Mama and me and then not be able to use it when I want to because I am out and about.

Coming Home- Scarlett JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now