Female Sumo x Male Reader Part 2

Start from the beginning

Ami:Hmm,I see.If the spies learn about our eating habits,they may try to poison us.

Y/N:Sure,thats exactly what I meant.So whats it going to be,shelfish,calamary?I always wondered whats so special about shark fin soup but Id never eat it sice its cruel.Good thing virtual sharks arent getting thrown into extinction.

Ami:I sinceriley hoped that Ill understand you the day we defeat Kenkos daughter.I suppose we can got there.

She pointed to a small red and yellow restaurant with a neon shrimp symbol above it.

Y/N:A little too convenient but by this point it shouldnt surprise me.

They walked over to the small restaurant and entered through the small doors.There werent any tables but there were several chairs by the counter.They sat down but Ami had a hard time finding a comfortable position.Soon a heavily masked person with glasses came out of the kitchen with a pen and a notepad.

Waiter:What would you like to order.

Y/N:We didnt get any menus.Do we just order random food?


Y/N:OK the,how about some shark fin soup.But just in case,add some salmon sushi.How about you Ami?

Ami:Hmm...I cannot remember the last time I ate sashimi.

Waiter:Right away.

He finished wrighting their choices down and desapeared behind the kitchen doors.

Y/N:Did he seemed weird to you?
Ami:The reign of Kenkos daughter had took its toll on everyone.We cannot judge them.

Y/N:You have a point there.Its nice that youre so considerate towards others.

Ami:Its my duty to protect everyone.Its my honor and my burden.

Y/N:Maybe take out the burden part whne someone asks.But since were on that topic,why dont you tell me more about your relationship with your dad?


Y/N:Just humor me.You had to take on this quest since he got, indisposed.You mustve interacted before that.

Ami:Very well.My earliest memmory was when I was just a little girl.

The image began to face as black and white story began to flicker to life.

Y/N:Hey,whats happening?Is this a cutscene?

Ishiyama was seen holding his wife close to him while smiling and looking at young Ami making her first steps.

Y/N:Oh it is.You were so cute.Like a little,big cheeked panda.

Ami:It were my innocent days when I had no worries.Butthat would soon change.

The walls were chrashed as two skinny masked ninjas made themselves seen.

Ami:Two assasinators had broken into our house and attacked.

Y/N:Theyre two toothpick in poorly constructed masks.I could take them,whiy wou they attacked the greatest sumo champion?

Ami:The fight was brutal but I couldnt do anything.

Pictures of attacks flashes slowly one by one and Ishiyama was holding onto the chair to keep him from falling.Then his wife jumped inbetween the three of them and took out a giant throwing star.

Ami:Then my mother joined the fight.I never seen another female fight like a male.

Y/N:Keeping in mind its ancient Japan,that way of thinking is really,really primitive.

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