Reminiscing on my LAST pregnancy 🥹🤰🏻

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Several weeks later
Tuesday November 5 th

**Carina was still not her normal bubbly self again, she's still extremely depressed and exhausted... but While Maya went to drop off Alessandro at daycare, when she came back home she saw her wife sitting on the couch and breastfeeding Ryann she couldn't help but reminisce the last month of pregnancy with her last baby EVER! Maya noticed that Carina was glazing and lost in her thoughts, so she came next to her wife , and put one hand on her legs**

Maya: what are you thinking about my love?
Carina: I Uhh was thinking about my last month of pregnancy with this little bunny !!
Maya: okay, do you want to talk about it?
Carina ; yea.. I just thought about how miserable i was and extremely exhausted and emotional and SOOOO HEAVY oh my goodness, I think I gained 40 pounds or something... and how I couldn't wait to have our last bundle of joy in my arms after endless hours and hours of labour...
Maya: well I also filmed it along with the birth, just like I did with the other kids remember!
Carina: yea I know, maybe I'll want to watch it again some time today! Will you stay with me and watch it again ? Like before the kids get back home from school?
Maya: of course my love!
Carina: okay thank you so much for being so sweet and gentle and thoughtful with me , I don't know where this postpartum depression journey is going to lead me, lead US , but I do know one thing,
Maya: okay, what's that?
Carina: is that if I EVER SAY THINGS LIKE " I want to hurt myself so bad" or "I WANT TO END EVERYTHING LIKE RIGHT THIS SECOND" just know that it's NOT ACTUALLY ME who's talking, okay? I want you to keep being sweet and gentle with me just like you have been for the past few days, okay my love? Don't listen to what psychotic or sinister things I might say ,
Maya : okay babe, you are scaring me.. what do you mean by "psychotic or sinister"
Carina : come here and see , look it says women who are experiencing postpartum depression may say they want to harm themselves and or the baby, but I can assure you right now that I will never never leave you with six children to take care of,
Maya: okay thank you for letting me know what I should be looking out for babe!
Carina: well it's literally the Least of the things I can do my Bambina, you are STILL AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN MY HOME!
Maya: I love you sooooo much, to the moon and back , forever and always.
Carina: I love you too sooooo much, to the moon and back, forever and always.

Kiss me please..
Maya: I gladly will!

** Maya kisses Carina several times. Carina didn't have the energy to watch her last month of pregnancy with Maya, instead they would both stared at their last baby ever, for the next hours , until the kids came back home from school, Maya left a little bit earlier than when the kids get home so they could all take care of Carina.**

**The kids are now back home from school and daycare **

Chloe: momma, I uhhh , have several questions about something...
Maya: okay you can tell us everything!
Carina: yea , what's going on Chloe, come sit down on the couch with us ,
Chloe: okay. Well today in health class, our teacher talked about how babies are made
Carina: okay.. well you know pretty much how they are made right?
Chloe: yea but she ummm she used different words then you did so I'm a little confused!
Maya: okay, well what words did she use?
Chloe: uhh , she used Sperm and Ovaries and fallopian tubes or something like that, and vagina and penis !
Carina: well, your teacher isn't wrong my love, those are the right words to use,
Maya: what else did she taught you about?
Chloe: ummm she said that babies can come out of two places, the stomach and the vagina...
Carina: we just simplify the words because you wanted to know how babies came out of the mom's stomach! So special door is the Vagina, , it's um like so you guys would say the prettier word when you were little kids you repeated everything we told you and you didn't care if we were alone or in the middle of the store buying groceries...
Chloe: hmmm okay! She also told us that in order to make a baby , a man and a woman have to BE LAYING DOWN ON THEIR BED AND he has to kiss her several times and then he asks her if she wants to, and if she does he puts his penis inside her vagina and then the sperm and the ovaries meet and they have a race to the tip of the women's stomach... is that true?
Maya: yes that's exactly true, that's how you make a baby.
Carina: yea ! And you already know how the babies come out because you saw momma being pregnant before and you know what happens to the momma and the baby when it's trying to come out!
Maya: yea , you have a pretty fair advantage over your friends because momma is a doctor who does just that, she brings babies into the world!
Carina : that's right, and there's other things that we will be happy to teach you but that's when you're going to be Lorenzo's age, don't worry about it, I uh don't want to go into that kind of rabbit hole especially right now... you know... I want to be my bubbly self again when I have to explain to you the other things.. okay?
Chloe: okay, yea no it makes sense that you want to be yourself again to ... even though I have no idea what those next information is.. but I won't insist.. I trust youuu momma!
Carina: okay thank you for not insisting on that... it truly truly means a lot to me that you guys know when to insist on something and when NOT TO INSIST ON SOMETHING !!


Carina: I don't know what we should make for dinner tonight and I'm still low on energy..
Maya: it's okay!! We can do eggs and toast for dinner, I'll make it , you sit down on the couch and relax, ohhh I think our little bunny needs a diaper change!!
Carina: ouhhh she does , I'll do it!

** Carina takes Ryann out of the baby carrier and holds her and gently put her on the changing table in the living room, the kids are doing their homework, Lorenzo has a question for his moms , it's part of his homework **

Lorenzo: moms, I uh have a question for you both, it's for my English homework
Carina: okay, I'm listening baby ! What is your question?
Maya: I'm also listening!
Lorenzo : ohhh okay, Umm my question is

"Ask your parents one specific thing in their relationship that they would re live in a heartbeat and why?"
Maya: ouhhh , uhhh so many options! Can I say three and you pick the best option and you write it down?
Lorenzo: okay, mommy what is the specific time in your twelve years relationship with momma that you would re live in a heartbeat?

Maya: okay 1. The day I met her in the bar , it was the most magical night ever!!
2. Finding out we were going to be parents again, ( with each kids)
3. The births of our children!!

Carina: awnnn , those are special moments indeed, ummm I would do it again too! I'll do the same as mommy! 3 times !
Umm for me it would be moving in with you ,
Or the day you accepted me and my two weeks old baby boy, most of people would have ran the other way Bambina, but you didn't,
back in the day before we had Chloe, Violet, Scarlett , Lessandro and Ryann! And it was just us three!
Lorenzo: wait just me and you both?
Carina: yesss ! I would relive your birthday any day ! July 17 th 2007, 11 h am the day my life changed FOR THE BETTER AND FOREVER!

And of course each labour of our precious six children!!

Maya and Carina both kissed!

Lorenzo: ohhh okay thank you for your answers!!

Carina & Maya : you are welcome!
Maya: you seem to be doing better no?
Carina: ahhhh ! Getting there slowly but surely!

Maya: dinner is ready everyone!!

Carina helped out with the kids baths , read them a bedtime story and went back to her room with Maya !

Carina: thank youuu so much for not abandoning me in this horrible postpartum depression... I know it can break couples apart and I'm forever thankful and grateful that you don't want to divorce me because of this !
Maya: awnnn ! Well I would nNEEEEEEEVER DIVORCE YOU for any reason... but IF I DID , Postpartum depression would NEVER BE ONE!

Carina: thank youuu!! It truly means a lot to me!

**Carina and Maya both kissed several times before falling asleep **

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