We need time apart Bambina

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**Maya comes closer to her wife trying to fix her mistakes . Carina is rightfully so still upset therefore she backs away from her wife's shaky hands **

Maya: you are not worthless babe, to me to our family. We literally can't survive without you!
Carina: I'm not finished..
I feel like no one needs me anymore... and I literally have no where to go babe... because I'm not sleeping with you tonight.. I need time to digest your HURTFUL WORDS and maybe do a self reflection on myself... I'm sorry if I keep talking about how magical pregnancy is ... but you passed on the chance I gave you to carry the babies... remember?
Maya: yea I do .... That was the most magical night ever...
Carina : it really really was because I was actually pregnant with Chloe and I didn't know it then ..
Maya: yeah I know....
Carina: anyways....
Maya: where are you going to stay at for the night? And are you taking three kids and I stay here with the other three...
Carina: I don't want to.....
Maya: stay home... the house is big enough...
Carina: I know it is.... But I won't be able to stay away from you... until you do a self reflection on your attitude and hurtful words ! You legit said " if you want another baby that bad then go get knocked up by a random person... I couldn't care less".

Maya: I understand...
Carina: I fucking love you... you are the reason why I am still alive and here .... But I'm going to give you space... we both need it to calm ourselves down and I will be back with the three kids soon enough!!
Maya: I love you too my love... to the moon and back forever and always..
Carina: to the moon and back forever and always...
** both wives have tears in their eyes **

Maya: who do you take for the time being?
Carina: I don't know... Chloe... Violet and Alessandro? And Kayla or Tristan?
Maya: okay....
Carina: Chloe lovey , come with me okay... we are leaving for a while —-
Chloe: ohhhh .... I thought you got everything resolved! I don't want to go momma!
Maya: bunny ... you have to ... I have to think about what I said ... you're going to be back home in no time Okaaay?
Chloe: okay... please think fast ... and whatever you said please don't say it ever again!
Carina: Tristian, do you want to come with me or stay here with Maya?
Tristan: I uhhhh don't know
** Carina turned off her localization for the time being **
Maya: well maybe we should go get the kids at daycare together and then if you still want to go to a hotel with four of them I will understand...
Carina: okay fine! Let's go get the three younger kids and see...

** Twenty five minutes later Carina is now parked in their driveway... **

Maya: okay Scarley, let's go see what Kayla is doing?
Scarlett : ohhh okay mommy , but why isn't everyone getting out of the car ?
Carina: everything is going to be fine... we are simply going to do different activities with you all... I'm taking Violet , Chloe and Alessandro and—- ** Tristan was heading out of the house right when Carina said that **
And Tristan too !
Maya: exactly!! We are going to do fun things just the three of us
Carina: we will talk on the phone Okaaay ??
Scarlett : okay momma ! I love youuu soooo much !

** then Maya realized that SEVEN IS AN ODD NUMBER and if they had another baby in difficult times like this or fun activities they could each have four kids with them... **

Maya: I love you so much bella !
Carina: I love you too Bambina... please please think about what you said ... and I will think about how I'm always talking about how I want more children and stop bothering you with that ..
No don't... stop thinking about that...
Carina: wait ... you would be willing to have another baby??
Maya: ehhhh ! IM NOT SAYING NO JUST YET ... but when you come back I'll have a answer to your question!!
**Carina teary eyed **
Okay thank you... you know what to do Bambina.... And we already have seven children... what's one more going to do?
** Carina drove off to a hotel with Tristan, Chloe Violet and Alessandro...

Tristan: okay momma... can you please tell me what mommy said to you?
Carina: I uhhhh ... she said some pretty awful things my love!
Tristan: okay like what?
Carina: if you want another baby that bad then just go get knocked up by some random person I couldn't care less !

Tristan: woahhhhhh ! Now I understand why you needed to get away from home!
Carina: yea but the other thing is .... She is... you kids are the reason why I get up every day extremely happy... I love being a momma... Maya is my home!
Violet: can we go back home momma?
I'm sure mommy didn't mean to say that..
Carina: we will go home in a few days... but right now we are going to stay in a hotel with a huge swimming pool!!
Alessandro: swimming pool? Ohhhh fun !!!!
Violet: i miss Scarlett momma !
** she has never been apart from her twin sister ever since they were born **

Carina: I know mon amour .... But mommy and I needed some time apart so that's why we have to go bye bye !
** A check in the hotel and swimming session later , They are now leaving the pool as it is now 22h and it closes at 22h ! Carina helps Violet put on her sandals while Tristan is helping Alessandro and Chloe gather all their things and head out to their hotel room and the kids were all exhausted they went to bed immediately!

**Tristan and Carina are quietly talking and Maya just wants her whole family to be under one roof again so she keeps texting her extremely sexy and very compassionate of a wife **

Carina: I feel like I over reacted even though I did nothing wrong... I was simply putting AVENO cream on my stretch marks and was in my thoughts and she LATCHED OUT AT ME just like that... ** she snap her fingers ** and then she blurted it out that hurtful sentence
Tristan: right... no you didn't do anything wrong momma... she is the one who latched out at you.. it's a good thing that you guys are not sleeping in the same room or house at the moment....

Carina: okay thank you for reassuring me... that really really helps !
Tristan: you are very welcome... so you are thinking about having another baby huh ?
Carina: well I know Seven is a hand full and people think I'm insane but I just keep having that feeling that our family isn't complete and I secretly feel—-
Tristan: momma, you are not insane... you have the biggest warmest heart I've ever seen in a human being and I can see why you love having a house full of children.... And now that we are all growing up.... You might feel like you're going to have an empty house soon... but I can assure you that I'm not moving out any time soon and even if I was I would always be coming back home to visit you all
Carina: ohhhhh kaaaay !
Thank you...
Tristan : plus it would be fun to experience the whole thing of you being pregnant and your labour and delivery journey AND EIGHT IS AN EVEN NUMBER!!

Carina:awnnn thank youuu bambino! But Maya is the one who needs convincing that eight is the perfect number!!! Because my biological clock is ticking I'm FOURTY !!! Going on FOURTY ONE ... it's even more riskier now then it was ten years ago... but I just know our family isn't complete !

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