Watching our birthing videos ,

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Back to reality
Maya: oh wait that's Alessandro's birth vlog , yours is going to be next girls !
Violet: oh okay!

7h24 am

Carina: babe we have to go now!! Owwww!
Thank you fratelino for babysitting for us!
Andrew: ohhh don't worry! It's my pleasure! Focus on the arrival of this new little bundle of joy and everything is going to be fine here!
Lorenzo: exactly momma! We are going to listen to uncle Andrew!
Chloe: yesss! Don't worry about us!
**Carina breathes in and out deeply ** Ahhhhhh! I WANT HIM OUUUUUT!
Maya: okay, I know it hurts my love, but are you going to be able to get in the van ...
Carina: without the two folded down seats?
Maya: yeah?
Carina: yes I will! Now we have to go nooooowwww! Ughhhhh
Meanwhile in the 30 minutes drive to the hospital
Maya: so caster oil really work huh
Carina: hrmmmmmm yea... 0000wwww!
Don't avoid any speed bumps!
Maya: umm what? ** as she looks at her wife through the rear view mirror **

Carina: go on every speed bumps on the road please!
...... .......... ............

Addison: breathe, have your waters broke yet?
Carina: No, but they are extremely extremely painful. please don't send us back home..
Addison: okay.. I can break it for you if you want to...
Carina: not yet! Hrmmmmm!!
** Carina is hooked up on the heart monitor machine. Everything is looking good with the baby's heartbeat **
Addison: okay.. and I won't send you back home..
Carina: okay thank you!
Addison: can I check how dilated you are?
Carina: yes you can!
Addison: okay thank you!!
Okay so you are only a three, but we won't send you back home because I can clearly see that 1) you are in too much pain and 2) it's your fifth child so it's going to go by quickly!
Carina: okay thank you Addison, for not sending us back home... is there any position I can be in to 1) get him unstuck and 2) make me progress faster? ** She is currently laying down on her back in the hospital bed**
Addison: actually yes there is !
...... ........

Carina: how do I get into the position?
**Maya is stroking Carina's long beautiful brown hair **
I will help you if you need help getting in the position!
Carina: grazie Mille!
Addison: okay so the specific squat is like this! ** she demonstrate it! **
8h12 am
**Carina just noticed that Maya had indeed brought the video camera once again.. ** Carina: aye, again with the video camera Bambina?
Maya: well yeah, hey every one of our kids ended up wanting to watch themselves be born I don't see how he wouldn't want to do the same when he's older!
**Carina couldn't help but laugh **
**Carina now in a little man position now** Ouhhhh okay! Wow, that's one hell of effective position
Maya: what? Really? You already feel some changes?
Carina chuckles: yea!! I mean obviously I know it doesn't work just like the snap of my fingers (fingers snap) but it's definitely

Carina: Bambina, can you please bring the camera closer, I'd love to say something to our baby boy before my next contractions!!
Maya: excellent idea, ** maya approches the video camera towards Carina **
Carina: hi baby, it's your momma, sorry I look like a mess, I promise I don't look like that all the time, but it's now 8h21 am on Wednesday August 15 th 2015, and today is officially going to be your birthday!!
We can't wait to meet you and bring you
Maya: hi baby it's mommy here, you are very wanted and already soooo loved by us but also by your big brother Lorenzo he's eight years old, and your three little sisters, Chloe, she is five years old, and your identical twins sisters Violet and Scarlett, they just turned two years old. Everyone is so excited to see you!
Carina: we love you so much...
Maya: yes!
Maya and Carina: forever and always!

** the video ended here just in time for Carina's next strong contraction **
Carina: owwwwwww!!! Ahhhhhh !!!
Hrmmmm! I hope he won't be stuck again
owwww n
Maya: breathe Carina breathe, if you want you can ask Addison to assist you with her hand while he's coming out?
Carina: oh definitely!
Addison: knock knock, it's Addison!
Carina: ohhh come in!
Addison: okay thank you, how are you doing?
Carina: ehhh! They are definitely strong enough that I can't speak through them anymore! And they last about one to two minutes each!
Addison: okay! That means you are slowly getting ready... Can I check you?
Maya: her last contraction was five minutes ago.
Carina: yeah they come every five to seven minutes now! Ouhhh actually I'm about to have another one!
Carina: okay. You can definitely check me now!

** Addison had to step out of the room for a while... she was needed by Jo for a few questions **

Maya: breathe. and then we'll talk about his names!
Carina: okay!! Ahhhh! This fucking huuuuuuurts !
Maya: do you feel him coming down in the birth canal?
Carina: I don't know.. probably!
** Carina is now laying on her side ** Ahhh! That feels slightly better! Ohh Bambina! Can you please check in this supply closet for a peanut ball please?
Maya: yes of course! ** she goes to the supply closet and gets a peanut ball out ** Here you go my love!
Carina: thank youuu! ** she asked Maya to gently put the peanut ball across her legs** Okay now I'm more capable of talking baby names with you! ** she removes a strain of hair out of her face**
Maya: okay ! Breathe!

Owwwwwwww! * she reached down in between her legs and touched the top of their son's head still in the amniotic sac. ** Carina made a strange face ** Maya: why that face my love?
Carina: that's umm weird feeling him still in the amniotic sac as he coming out!
Addison; how long have you been in labour?
Maya: uhh I'd say twelve hours!
Carina: yeah and that's enough oooowwww
Addison chuckles: yea, I think that is your shortest labour and delivery!
Carina: I do too!! Hrmmmm okay, Maya can you please hold my leg up so he'll have enough space..
Maya: yes of course my love!! ** Maya does just that she hold up Carina's leg and she whispers sweet words of encouragement to her dear wife!**
**Carina Moans and moans **
Hrmmmmmkk ahhhhh okay!!!! Owwwwww ! I feel intense and extremely painful pressure on my stomach and vagina!!
Addison: okay Carina, you should have your baby in the next half hour!

Carina: thirty more minutes.. nuhhh huuuhh! I can't do this anymore!!
Addison: do you still want me to reach inside while he's coming out?
Carina: yes please!
Addison: okay I'm going in now okay! Deep breath in ...
**Carina holds her breath for a few seconds**
Hrmmmmmmmm owwwww!!
Addison: okay, he's doing good, you are
Carina: thank you... ohhh they are definitely coming closer together now!
Addison: okay, I need you to pant with small pushes on your next contractions
Carina: okay ** tears are coming down her face extremely fast **
Addison: he's almost here! Pant pant!
**Carina pants and pants! **
Addison: wait until your contractions,
HHHH! Ha, get
him out please!
Addison: he's doing well, breathe Carina breathe... slowly...
Carina: my back huuuuurts so much!

Andy : hi Carina how've been lately?
Carina: hi I'm good and you? A little exhausted as I just had my final baby on the 29 th of July! And you ? Are you still working on your clothing line ? And do you still want me to be part of it , if you don't, that's totally fine I will understand, I've been pretty M. I. A. recently, I'm sorry!

Andy : wait you did , Awnn , yes I'm still working on it, not much have been sold yet , but one day, and of course I'd love to have you as my partner, and don't worry about it, life has been crazy for us here too!
Carina: okay good thank you for letting me be part of this idea of yours, let me know when you want me to come over and help !

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