Why did you make your momma CRY??

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Monday September 14 th 2018

**tristian is up for school... even though he doesn't want to go .... Lorenzo is up a few minutes after Tristian , and ready for school, he is downstairs with his momma and three little sisters **

Tristan: good morning momma!!
Carina: good morning Tristan, how was your night of sleep?
Tristan: oh I slept good... but I don't want to go To
S C H O O L Today,
Carina : okay... why is that? Did something happen? You know you can always tell me or Maya right?
Tristan: yea I know momma , but it's extremely hard , and I'm not good in math...
Carina: ohhhh bambino, you don't have to be excellent in every school subject, all we ask is to do your best and don't skip class... and don't do drugs .. and that's it !
Tristan: okay... thank you, I really needed to hear that,
Carina: okay, thank you for telling me, I really really appreciate it, do you want some oatmeal?
Tristan: you are welcome, and no thank you, I uhhh have sports in the morning and I want to exercise early before class, see you later today, bye girls !
Violet: bye bye Tristan
Scarlett: bye bye Tris,
Have a good day,
Carina : Chloe ... come get ready for school, neither me or mommy can drive you all to school so you better not miss the bus,
Chloe : okay momma, I had to get changed because the other outfit was umm CHILDLIKE!
Carina good morning buddy, Did you have a good night of sleep?
Lorenzo: ohhh I sure did momma!
Carina: that's good! Here's your plate Violet!
Violet: ohhh thank you momma!
Scarlett : is there more fruits momma ? I'd love some more KIWI's and Strawberries please oh and oranges too!
Carina: Alessandro come eat your breakfast please... what was wrong with your other outfit?
Chloe: well umm , it was a good one but a little childish...
Alessandro: Yess momma ! I'm coming!!!

Carina : of course my darling! Lorenzo come eat your breakfast please!
What do you want to eat?
Lorenzo: well I see you have given the girls oatmeal so I won't make you make ten breakfast so I'll have the same thing please!
Carina laughs
Ohh okay well thank you for not making me make ten different breakfast!! Then come eat it before it gets cold Mi amore !
Lorenzo: okay! Where is Tristan?
Carina: what do you mean a little childish! Chloe!! YOU love the POWERPUFF GIRLS
MAYA: Okay have a good day everyone, be nice, listen to your teachers and I'll see you all tonight!
** Maya came to give her wife a kiss and headed to work**
Carina: hmmm have a good day babe!
Maya: you too ! I love youuu
Carina : me too, to the moon and back forever and always!
Maya : to the moon and back forever and always!
** Maya heads out the door **
Chloe: bye momma the bus is here!!
Carina: bye kids, see you when you get back home from school!!

**Carina extremely shocked but she got everyone on the bus and she drove her three little kids to daycare**

Carina: okay, quick question, can you three please sTOP GROWING UP?
Violet: uhhh , unfortunately we can't,
Scarley: sorry momma,
Alessandro: No momma ! Sorry,
Carina: right, okay, where did my little babies go? You used to need us for everything, now you don't let us unbuckle and buckle you in, we can't do your hair anymore, we can't pick out your outfits,
Alessandro: I sorry you feel like that momma!
Violet: we have to grow up momma, we can't stay little forever!
Scarlett: yea , we can't, because that's not how life works ,
Carina: yea I know...

** Fifteen minutes later Carina came back into her van and couldn't help but shed a few tears ! SHE KNEW IT BEFORE BUT with Chloe changing her outfit TWICE really made it official in her mind, SHE LEGIT HAVE NO MORE BABIES LEFT ! They are all soooo grown up **

Maya and Sylvie are taking in between phone calls!
Sylvie : so what did your wife say about that Bar night?
Maya: ohhh my wife , she didn't even FLINCHED because she knew that Sergio FETOCHINNI !
Sylvie : wait what?
Maya: yea so she wasn't AT ALL JEALOUS!
Sylvie: ohhhh ' thats cool! Is she okay?
**Maya laughed **
Yeah Why !
Sylvie : because I would have been Jealous if I was going out with you and we had five kids at home!
Maya: yea... but ..
Sylvie : like how?
Maya: because we know!
Sylvie : you know what?
Maya: that I am HERS. And she is MINE!
And that's it! We always come back to each other no matter what!
Sylvie: ohhh that's sweet , so ummm when are we going to meet your incredibly lucky of a wife?
Maya: uhhh one day, and believe me I am the luckiest one, because she is extremely sexy and always gorgeous without even trying' !!
Sylvie : alright!! Can't wait to meet her!

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