Chloe's Baptism

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Maya and Carina always knew that they wanted to have their children baptized. When they were FIVE , so that way they can remember it! Oh and they also wanted a godfather and a godmother from their friend group at the station and the hospital, so it's fair for everyone!!

**For Chloe's baptism Maya and Carina both decided to go to PORTO RICO, !! Since Chloe was born in December of 2009, they are baptizing her at 4 and a half years old, so it's the perfect SUMMER WEATHER! , They now have one year old Twins Violet and Scarlett with them on this trip ! **

Tuesday August 18 th 2014

Chloe: momma I'm ready can we goooo ! We are going to be late , and I want my head to be dunked in the little fontaine on time!!
Carina: okay !! You are pretty pretty excited for something that will take 5 seconds!
Chloe: yea well , I am like that!
** Maya laid down what the girls were going to wear, light light dresses, one blue and the other one pink ! They didn't have any purple and red left ! So blue and pink it was ! **

Maya: woah Enzo you look pretty handsome!!
Lorenzo: awnnn thank youuu mommy !
Maya: you are welcome!
Babe are you ready? I've put new batteries in the video camera!!
Carina : not quite! Okay cool! I'm done breastfeeding Violet! She can get into her outfit Bambina!
Mommy: okay perfect!! Come here mommy's favourite flower!! Ohhhh you are going to be SO adorable in your BLUE DRESS , with a matching bow and little black shoes !
** Maya gave Violet some kisses in her little neck and it made her giggle **

**Twenty minutes later Carina finished breastfeeding Her last baby girl, Scarlett ! And she got her dressed in her PINK DRESS and she also had a matching bow and little black shoes **

Carina: come on let's go get you officially and legally baptized as Chloe Noelle!
Chloe: yayyy I'm so excited!!!

**Maya and Carina both laughed and found it extremely adorable that Chloe was excited about something that would literally last for five seconds! **

Carina: yayyy ! Chloe you are now baptized as Chloe Noelle!
Chloe: yessss ! Hi my name is Chloe Noelle!! ** she started saying that to everyone who came across her! **

**Her godmother is Andy Herrera and her godfathers are Ben Warren and Andrew DELUCA !! Everyone had a blast in Porto Rico , there was a giant water park nearby, within the resort! The kids had a blast !!**

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