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Wednesday September 16 th 2018

Maya's office!!
** she has pictures of her wife and kids, one of them on their wedding day on her desk **

Maya: good morning Erin, Gabby, And Sylvie!
Sylvie: good morning Everyone!!

Gabby : hiiii , it's been a while since I've seen you around
Maya: yeah ? Maybe, I've been busy with kids and work but I'm back at work and ready to help people!!
Erin : alright!! Who's that beautiful gorgeous brunette on your office desk Maya?
Maya: oh this is my extremely sexy and jealous of a wife , Carina Deluca, she's an obgyn at Grey's Sloan Memorial Hospital!
Erin Lindsay: ohhhh she's definitely gorgeous!! And who's those lovely little faces ?
Maya: ohhh these are our wonderful children! Lorenzo, That's Chloe and our precious little identical twins ! Violet and Scarlett and and our last baby Alessandro! We also adopted a fourteen year old son His name is Tristian a couple months ago, he really fits right in our family that we sometimes forget that he is adopted... he's been through a lot of foster care systems and adopted families... until we took him in ! Teenagers also need homes and to feel the love!
Gabriela ; yea I totally understand! Matt and I adopted a boy , his name is Louis , he's fourteen years old as well... he's been with us since he was four !
Maya: Awnn , that's amazing Gabriela !
Gabriela : yea we think so too!
Erin : Awnn you have a lovely family Maya !
Maya: Awnn thank you Erin!
Erin : and umm don't take this the wrong way but your wife is clearly OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE !
Maya: oh I won't take it the wrong way because I KNOW SHE IS!
Gabriela : right? Don't you EVER LET HER GO MAYA , she's a gem !
Maya: yea I know!! I'm the luckiest person ALIVE !

Gabriela Dawson : Awnn ! They are definitely lovely ! They seem very well behaved!
Maya: ohhh thank youuu ! They are half of the time! But Carina and I wouldn't change it any other way!

**EVERYONE LAUGHED AND SHIFT ENDED AND THEY ALL went to their respective houses **

Later that day!

Maya: babe, I'm hooooooooooome !!
Carina: hiiiiii ! Ohhhh i missed you sooooo much today!!
Maya: you did?
Carina: yes !
Maya: I did too ! ** she kisses her wife and she doesn't want to let go .. both women stay in the doorway with the door open and they just kiss. Carina moves her right hand on her wife's face.. when she suddenly was removing a tear away from her wife's gorgeous blue eyes . Maya was unconsciously crying **

Carina: babe, what's wrong? Did something happen at work?
Maya: it's fine ! I don't even know why I'm crying..
Carina: hmmmm okay!

** deep down in her gut she knows that her wife is hiding something but she doesn't push it too much.. she's learned to let MAYA COME WHEN SHES READY to talk about it! **

**The kids are about to come home from school and Maya finally decided to open up about that comment that one of her co workers said ! Maya and Carina decided to go in the little nook area , they put a note on the front door so their kids would know what is going on and wait until they are finished talking **

The note says : hi kids, we hope you had a lovely day at school, we are discussing about things, Nothing family related, eat a snack, do your homework.. we'll be out in a few!
Xoxo , Momma!

Maya: babe, I'm ready to talk about it now
Carina: okay.. I'm here for you... what happened?
Maya: everything was going good and we were all talking about our kids and significant others and then Erin Lindsay said " DONT TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY BUT YOUR WIFE IS WAAYYYY OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE"

**Carina is sitting face to face with Maya who had her head down between her legs and she was rubbing her hands together... she does that when she's anxious **
Carina: okay... who did she say that about?
Maya: you ! Babe! She said YOU ARE WAAAAAAAY OUT OF MY LEAGUE!
Carina: okay... babe, listen to me ... you definitely know that is not true!
**Maya had her head down and silently said with tears RUNNING DOWN HER FACE **
Maya: Am I really out of your league ? ** she said with an upset tone in her voice **
Carina: babe.. look at me ! Maya!! Maya, look at me ! ** she had her index finger on her chin and raised it up and looked at her wife with stars in her eyes as if she'd laid eyes on her for the first time EVER!**

Maya, babe, you are not out of my league... you are definitely IN MY LEAGUE!! Bambina!! What do I always tell you when we are having a sweet moment like this ..
**Maya mumbled something **
Carina: nahhhh uhhhhh ! Louder... what do I always tell you... with sweetness and softness in my voice and every time I think about the first time I said that to you right here in our living room on the couch I want to cry right now...because I truly mean it!
Maya: I don't want to say it !
Carina: I didn't find my HOME until I met you Bambina! YOU ARE MY HOME!!

Maya: okay.... Thank youuu for telling me that.. I don't know how she managed to convince me that you were WAAAAAAAAYYYYY OUT OF MY LEAGUE for a while!
Carina: don't forget about it, I AM YOURS AND
Forever and always...

Carina: now come on, the kids have been patient enough ... let's go see what they are up to huh?
Maya: okay... I love youuu soooo much !!
Carina: I love you more , thank youuu for not being sure about the fact that you wanted to drink alone !
Look at us now!!
**Maya smiled **
You are more than welcome my love!
Carina: seeee , now that's the cheerful and bubbly Maya I fell in love with that night at the bar ...

***Maya and Carina both kissed and went to be with their children and had a lovely evening**

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