What is it called momma?

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Tuesday October 28 th

**Carina made the effort to get up and be with her kids at breakfast time, and like she predicted it , her twins did have questions about her " condition" so Carina did her best to answer them. She had Ryann in her baby carrier facing her siblings **

Carina: here's your plate of oatmeal, Lessandro!
Alessandro: ohhhh thank youuu momma !
Carina: my pleasure!!
Violet: okay momma, what is your condition and why didn't you have it with us too when we were little babies?
Carina: okay, excellent question, um what I have isn't dangerous or life threatening okay! Momma isn't going to die from it, it is treatable, with the right medication, which I am taking, I honestly don't know why I never had it before I had Ryann!
But It's called postpartum depression!
And basically what it does , is when a mommy is pregnant with a baby or two babies... she has what we call hormones, every one has hormones, girls and boys , men and women, okay? And when we have babies in our stomachs, we have the babies hormones plus our owns , so it can make us emotional and extremely exhausted, and then when the baby finds it's key , the moms can feel like she doesn't know who she is anymore, or she doesn't feel like she's able to take care of herself or the kids plus another baby .
Maya: that's right, so it's the rest of the family's mission to make sure that the momma is well taken care of,
Carina: like you all have... it helps me a lot trust me !
And the best part is this kind of depression... it doesn't last forever ! Just a few months. It usually happens when the new baby is just just born or it can often be when the baby is three months old, like Ryann is , who's about to be four months old actually TOMORROW!! It usually lasts three months! So by the time Ryann is 6 months old I should be my normal self again, or it can go away on its own in two months... but it usually lasts 3 months!
Scarlett : ohhh okay, but how come you didn't experience this when Ryann was a newborn baby?
Carina: I don't really know the answer, but I'm going to be fine! It just takes patience....

Maya: ohhh guys , you don't want to miss the bus, go it's outside now, have a good day
Everyone: okay bye moms , we love you!!
Carina and Maya : we love you guys too! Forever and always!
Everyone: forever and always,
Alessandro: I'm ready to go to daycare mommy!!!
I can go to daycare right momma? You will be okay while I'm playing with my friends right?
**Carina chuckles **
Yes bambino, don't worry about it, I will be fine, you can go play with your daycare friends!! I will see you later today okay?
Alessandro: okay perfect!! Thank youuu momma!!
** he gave his momma a big hug and kisses **
Maya: okay I'm going to drop him off at daycare and be right back home okay?
Carina: okay thank you for going... don't worry I'm able to stay home by myself with Ryann for a few minutes, babe,
Maya: okay... oh wait I forgot something extremely extremely important!!
Carina: oh .. what's that?
Maya: to kiss my beautiful and extremely sexy wife and baby girl!!
Carina: awnnn , well come on over here and give us kisses!!

** Maya gave her wife kisses and also her little baby girl.. and headed out the door with a very eager little four year old boy who wants to go play with his daycare friends **

[[ ohhh maybe we should go outside for a little while... it's good for you and for me , yessss that's right... but let's wait for mommy to come back]]

** Ryann is on her momma's lap and she is holding her little hands **
Carina: how are you so adorable??
** Ryann cooes at her momma **
**Carina gasped **
Yes , tell me how we made you THIS ADORABLE ? like hello how are you OURS?
Ughhh , you make this postpartum depression a lot more happier than it usually is ,

**When Maya got home she saw Carina and Ryann asleep, Carina had one hand on her daughter's back and the other hand was up in the air , and She was facing the couch **

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