Throwing him a birthday party 🥳

43 1 0

Sunday August 19 th

**Carina is waking up every three hours to breastfeed, Maya changes the diapers during the night, to give Carina a chance to rest , and during the day it's also FIFTY  fIFTY ON DIAPER DUTY **

6h37 am
**Carina came in Ryann's room to get her some clothes and she saw that Maya had in fact installed Ryann's rainbow dream catcher !! **

Oh my goodness babe,
Maya: what's wrong?
Carina; nothing is wrong, I just came in Ryann's room and the dream catcher is very beautiful !
Maya: it doesn't really fit with her bunny themed one but I guess we can have rainbows and bunnies as her room decorations!
Carina; siiii excellent Idea !
**Maya is holding Ryann in her arms and she just had been fed a mix of formula and breast milk **
Okay, I asked her what she thought about it and she said it's a wonderful idea ,
Carina: okay!! Oh and babe I totally feel bad for Lessandro, he just turned FOUR and he said he didn't want to have a birthday party but which Four years old doesn't want a birthday party?? ...
Maya: yea I know... but you can still barely walk my love,
Carina: yea I know but I feel really really bad, I can get a walking cane or something! But I really want to throw him a DINOSAUR BIRTHDAY PARTY!! He deserves it Bambina !
Maya: you are absolutely right my love!
Carina: okay! So let's throw him an impromptu birthday party, I know everyone has already bought him a gift so they just have to bring it here, and if they can't stay long, at least he can have all of his gifts from his uncles and aunties from the Station and hospital!
Maya: okay excellent idea
Carina: okay good!


** Ryann is in her momma roo swing but she begins to get fussy **
Carina: Ohhh it's okay my little baby bunny, momma is here! Oh and can you text everyone, I don't know where my phone is ! And she's extremely hungry!
Maya: yea of course I can babe!
Carina: thank youuu!!
** The kids are playing together in their playroom **

Carina: Ohhhh and we'll need to g buy him a birthday cake babe!
Maya: okay you are spiraling , everything is going to be alright I'll go buy him a big DINOSAUR STUFFED ANIMAL and I'll take two or three kids with me ! Don't worry about it!

Carina: you would do that for me?
Maya: of course I'll do this for you , while you simply relax and heal yourself! And you're going to be good as new!
Carina: ohhh my special door is never going to close all the way like it did before the kids made their way out! But thank youuu!
You should go now because aren't they coming here at noon?
Maya: yea good idea, yea ! From NOON t'il FIVE PM !
Carina: excellent! Go with the big kids! And leave me Alessandro and Ryann!
Maya: okay!!
** she goes to the playroom and whispers to her big kids , and they all agreed **
Alessandro: why are you not whispering it to me too mommy?
Maya: ahhh because it's a surprise for you bambino!
Alessandro; ohhhh i see ! Is momma staying here?
Carina: yessss , we are staying home with Baby Ryann!
Alessandro: oh okay, as long as i stay with my buddy I'm happy!
**Maya and Carina both laughed **
Maya: okay so let's go big kids! See you later guys!
Alessandro: bye guys, so momma what are we going to do while they go shopping
Carina: well I was thinking you could tell me which superhero you want me to draw on your walls !
Alessandro: ohhh yes excellent Idea momma !

** Maya also bought a bounce house for Alessandro and his friends, Carina invited a few friends from his daycare group, All of his daycare friends will stop by , since this is a little last minute birthday party **

Maya: guys , we have to make sure Alessandro isn't looking, I need one of you to go inside and see if Alessandro is not in front of the main living room window
Violet: I'll do it mommy!
Maya: okay thank you!
Now the rest of you, I'm going to need your help to figure out where to blow up the bounce house for the party!
Lorenzo: okay , well we can put it in the front lawn !!
Chloe: Ouhh excellent idea! We have to remove the cars from the driveway no?
Maya: excellent idea! I'll remove mine and park it on the side of the house!
**Violet and Scarlett both ran back to the front porch to tell their mommy that Carina was entertaining him with a little project, with Baby Ryann, **
Violet: mommy mommy, everything is okay
Scarlett : yes momma is doing a little project for Alessandro and Ryann so they are well occupied and won't come in the living room window ,
Violet: yea , and momma said to let her know when she can stop entertaining him
Maya: okay wonderful thank youuu my lovely girlies
Violet and Scarlett: you are welcome mommy!
Can we help you in any way?
Maya: yes , you can remove your bikes and put them in the garage and also move your little picnic plastic tables on the other side of the hill,
Violet; okay mommy !
Scarlett: help me move the table first Violet!
Violet: ohhh okay Yea my bad, I'm coming
Scarlett : No worries!

** the girls moved their bikes and picnic tables out of the way ! And by that time Maya had finished blowing up the whole bounce house, ITS SUPERHERO THEMED!! **

Maya: okay thank you all so much for your tremendous help , it's almost time for the party, you can all go tell momma that everything is settled and she can come outside with Alessandro and Ryann now!
Lorenzo: okay! Right away mommy!!
Maya: oh shoot I forgot the COTTON CANDY MACHINE!!

** she sprinted up to the other side of the lawn and started making cotton candy . Carina had a bathing suit and a sombrero on and she installed Ryann in her stroller so she can be hands free and help around if needed **


Carina: Alessandro, look what we had settled up for you!
Alessandro: wait what ? A birthday party just for me?
Carina: siii , I know you said you didn't want one and just having us here and doing activities with you is all you wanted, but I know you might feel like you've lost your place in the family, now that Your little little baby sister is here, but you are still very much my baby boy forever! And that goes for all of your siblings! Anyhow! I'm rambling on, now but we invited your friends from daycare, and it's a little last minute but Emma , Caleb , Thomas and Charlotte are going to come over for a while and give you a gift...
Maya: yes that's right, we thought you still deserved A BIRTHDAY PARTY, my love!
Alessandro: awnnn well thank youuu soooo much moms !
Maya and Carina: you are more than welcome buddy!! Go have fun !!

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